Team Excellence - oop344 20113 Code Standards

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Code Standards

Sandip: I have a proposal. How about doing it like this:

If Statement

Dzmitry: I have a proposal. How about doing it like this:

if (condition){	
} else if (condition){
} else{

That will save a few lines, also space between "stuff" and beginning of the line should be default Visual Studio Tab (Mine is 4 spaces).

Jitender: Guys, we should agree one of the standard, I agree with Dzmitry proposal, it short and easy to follow

For Loop

for (i=0; condition; i++){

Notice the space after the 'for' and the lack of space between the ')' and '{'

Similar deal as with the if statement if "stuff" is only one like the curly braces can be omitted.

While Loop

while (true){

Notice the space after the 'while' and the lack of space after the ')' and '{'.

Also the curly braces can be omitted if "stuff" is only one line.

Function Declarations

void foo(int a){

The function header isn't indented at all and the first line follows immediately after with one indent.

Also there's no space between the ')' and '{'.


I think each indent should be the equivalent of two spaces. You can change the settings of Visual Studio to put in 2 spaces whenever you press tab. This will keep the code properly aligned and if someone isn't used to using tab for indent they can easily just use two spaces.

Dzmitry: I think at least 3-4 spaces will be better. First of all, it makes code easier to read (less characters on a page) and original console.cpp (at least for me) is written with 4 spaces spacing, so we won't need to change professor's code.

Class Standards

Header File Standards:

*   class.h
*   Sandip Patel  
*   October 12, 2011


class CLASS {
          int _a;
          int _b;



All Cpp File Standards:

/* Function Starts here */
function name() {

       /* Header goes here */
          int key = 0;           // Comment goes here
          bool done = false;

       /* Again Important Header goes here */

       /* All Loops */
          for(i=0; i<len; i++){

/* function ends here */



int foo(int x);   // this comment is an example

File Header

Suggested By: Sandip Patel

*   test.cpp
*   Sandip Patel  
*   October 12, 2011