Teams' List 20113 - OOP344

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OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources
Use the template below to add your team information to this page under Teams.

== TN ==

[[TN IRC Logs 20113 - OOP344 | IRC meeting logs]]

# Member name and info
# Member name and info
# etc...

Replace the following with your team information

  • TN: Your Team name
  • RN: Your svn repository number
  • Member name: Team members' name

After adding your team information to this page, create a separate page for your team, make sure the page name ends with semester (i.e. My Team 20113 - OOP344 ) and has the following added in content at the very beginning of the page:

{{OOP344 Index | 20113}}

The above adds the main oop344 index to the top of the page for semester 20113



IRC meeting logs

  1. Sandip Patel
  2. Jitender Dhanda
  3. Dzmitry Kavalchyk


IRC meeting logs

  1. Clinton Bale cfbale
  2. Jesse Santos jsantos13


IRC meeting logs

  1. Ronson Wan rwan1
  2. Jimmy Marmer
  3. Justin Robinson
  4. Mohammad Zainuddin mzainuddin

The Scriveners

IRC meeting logs

  1. David Gurr
  2. Heonyee An
  3. Michael Valentine
  4. Prasanth Vaaheeswaran
  5. Ryan Dang

The A-Team

IRC meeting logs

  1. Duc Giang
  2. Natesh Mayuranathan nmayuranathan
  3. Gemma Daly
  4. Travis Roetcisoender
  5. Sean Thistle sthistle


IRC meeting logs

  1. Santiago Munoz Salopezmunoz
  2. Sezar Gantous Sgantous
  3. Roberto Isaula risaula

A+ Programmers

IRC meeting logs

  1. Hesam Chobanlou [1]
  2. Ramone Burrell [2]
  3. Mike Shutov [3]


IRC meeting logs

  1. Darren Butcher dbutcher
  2. Ammar Alwahab abalwahab