Fedora-ARM Communication
Project Description
- Rewriting the Fedora-ARM status page into a more useful and user-friendly page
- Writing improved documentation on the Fedora Wiki for Fedora-ARM documentation
- Overall better communication strategy for the Fedora-ARM Project
- 0.1 (Design Mockup)
Project Leader(s)
- Houssam Haidar
Project Details
- The new status page will be spiced up using HTML5/CSS3/jQuery.
Project Plan
Tracking mechanism: ARM trac+git via fedorahosted.org (See https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2570)
Key contacts:
Goals for each release and plans for reaching those goals:
- 0.1 - Design and write HTML
- 0.2 - Rewrite the script (possibly PHP?), add graphs, etc..
- 0.3 - Polish
- IRC: #fedora-arm
- Mailing list: arm@lists.fedoraproject.org