RCP : Install Eclipse Plugins Fedora
Installing Eclipse onto Fedora 14 - X86_64
- Start with a clean install of Fedora 14, preferably from a live CD. For my examples I used the 64 bit edition.
- When the install is complete, open a terminal window and run yum update to bring your system up to date. You may have to reboot once this is done.
- Install Eclipse (Helios 3.6.1) with the command yum groupinstall "Fedora Eclipse".
- That's it! You can now use Eclipse to build C, C++ or Java programs.
Checking What's Already Installed
SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit) should now be installed. If you look in the directory /usr/lib64/eclipse you should see links to several SWT libraries. Here's what I get when I do a directory listing:
[selmys@f14 eclipse]$ ls
about_files libswt-atk-gtk-3655.so notice.html
about.html libswt-awt-gtk-3655.so p2
artifacts.xml libswt-cairo-gtk-3655.so plugins
buildscripts libswt-glx-gtk-3655.so readme
configuration libswt-gnome-gtk-3655.so startup.jar
dropins libswt-gtk-3655.so swt-gtk-3.6.1.jar
eclipse libswt-pi-gtk-3655.so swt-gtk-3.6.jar
eclipse.ini libswt-xpcominit-gtk-3655.so swt.jar
epl-v10.html libswt-xulrunner-gtk-3655.so
features links
[selmys@f14 eclipse]$
Installing SWT Examples
- Open the main update manager by clicking Help > Install New Software.... This opens the Install Wizard.
- Select The Eclipse Project Updates site.
- Ensure Group items by category is unchecked.
- Type "Eclipse SDK Examples" in the search field.
- Select "Eclipse SDK Examples" and click Next.
- Review the items being installed, and click Next.
- Review and accept the license terms, and click Finish.