OSGi Concepts Exec Env

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OSGi Execution Environments

Execution environments (EEs) are symbolic representations of JREs (Java Runtime Environments). They are generic names and the system can then be configured to use a specific JRE to implement that generic execution environment. For instance, one can speak about JavaS-E6.0 as an execution environment.

Standard Execution Environments The set of execution environments is extensible but the Eclipse IDE includes support for the environments set out in the OSGi R4 specification. These are summarized in the table below from [1] .

Execution Environment Name Description
OSGi/Minimum-1.0 OSGi Minimum Execution Environment 1.0 - This is a subset of the J2ME Foundation 1.0 class libraries defined by OSGi to be the base for framework implementations.
OSGi/Minimum-1.1 OSGi Minimum Execution Environment 1.1 - This is a subset of the J2ME Foundation class libraries defined by OSGi to be the base for framework implementations.
CDC-1.0/Foundation-1.0 J2ME Foundation 1.0 - With the exception of some MicroEdition IO classes, Foundation 1.0 is a subset of J2SE 1.3.
CDC-1.1/Foundation-1.1 J2ME Foundation 1.1 - With the exception of some MicroEdition IO classes, Foundation 1.1 is a subset of J2SE 1.4.