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Nexjexpress/PostgreSQL Adapter/process

Revision as of 10:53, 12 November 2010 by Minooz (talk | contribs)

protected interface BindFactory
protected interface Bind

Member List

OOP344 - E_Team- 20103 - Member list
ID Last Name Name Seneca Username Section Blog Url IRC Nick SVN ID My Contributions Role
A Ysnogorodsky Marina Contributions
B Chen Leiding --- Contributions
  • Abstract methods to work on
public abstract String appendStringLengthPrefix(StringBuffer buf, FunctionOperator op);
public abstract String appendSubstringPrefix(StringBuffer buf, FunctionOperator op);
public abstract boolean isLiteral(Primitive type, Object value);
public abstract void appendLiteral(StringBuffer buf, Primitive type, Object value);
public abstract void appendTypeConversion(StringBuffer buf, Object op,Primitive fromType, Primitive type, SQLGenerator gen);
public abstract void appendPrefixHint(StringBuffer buf, Query query);
public abstract void appendInfixHint(StringBuffer buf, Query query);
public abstract void appendSuffixHint(StringBuffer buf, Query query);
public abstract void appendTableHint(StringBuffer buf, SQLJoin join, Query query);
public abstract void appendIdentityPrefix(StringBuffer buf, SQLInsert work);
public abstract boolean appendIdentityColumn(StringBuffer buf, SQLInsert work);
public abstract boolean appendIdentityValue(StringBuffer buf, SQLInsert work);
public abstract boolean appendIdentitySuffix(StringBuffer buf, SQLInsert work);
public abstract void bindIdentity(PreparedStatement stmt, SQLInsert work) throws SQLException;
public abstract Object getIdentityValue(PreparedStatement stmt, Column column, SQLInsert work) throws SQLException;
public abstract boolean appendNoRowsBlock(StringBuffer buf);
public abstract void appendNoRowsStart(StringBuffer buf);
public abstract void appendNoRowsEnd(StringBuffer buf);
public abstract boolean isBatchSupported();
public abstract boolean isBatchUpdateCountSupported();
public abstract boolean isBatchable(SQLWork work);
protected abstract boolean isDateRangeException(SQLException e);
protected abstract boolean isQueryTimeoutException(SQLException e);
protected abstract boolean isDuplicateKeyException(SQLException e);
protected abstract String getDuplicateKeyName(SQLException e);
protected abstract boolean indexNameMatches(Index index, String sPhysicalName);
protected abstract boolean isDeadlockException(SQLException e);
protected abstract boolean isLockTimeoutException(SQLException e);
public abstract SQLSchemaManager createSchemaManager();
  • Protected methods
protected boolean isLikeReservedChar(char ch)
protected void appendLiteral(StringBuffer buf, String sValue)
protected int roundUpListSize(int nSize, int nBindCount)
protected int roundUpMaxCount(int nMaxCount)
protected boolean indexNameMatches(String sMetadataName, int nMetaStart, String sPhysicalName, String sPrefix, boolean bCaseInsensitive)