Fall 2010 SBR600 Participants

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Revision as of 08:21, 4 November 2010 by Zwang98 (talk | contribs)
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Name IRC Nick(s) Role Project(s) SBR700/OSD700 FUDCon Tempe FUDCon Paperwork
Chris Tyler ctyler Professor Fedora ARM Secondary Architecture Y Y Y
Jawwad Zaidi jawwad Student --
Mustafa Redha mustafaj Student [[ScriptFactory Project] N Y Y
Matthew Ortofsky Mathon Student --
Yegor Tyunin yegor Student --
Kerry Taylor platform Student --
Yauheni Khabian ykhabian Student --
Brett van Gennip brettvan Student --
Hoc Van Tran hvtran Student --
Eric Shum Escom Student --
Jing Yang Jyang Student --
Adrian Pruteanu atpruteanu, adrianp Student ScriptFactory Project
Tarin Choudhury TarinC Student --
Kyle Weber kweber1 Student --
Denitsa Kitancheva dvkitancheva Student --
Andrew Singh asingh Student --
Jason Van jvan Student --
Pirathapan Sivalingam Prathapan Student --
Tae Hee Lee thlee3 Student To thumb or not to thumb N N N
Rizwan Haq rizwanhaq Student --
Vitaly Bluzmans vbluzmans Student --
Zhiqing Wang joe600 Student fedpkg test suite Y Y Y
Jaewoo Park jwpark2 Student AutoQA N N N
Saad Husain Saadhusain Student --
Mahad Ismail mismail6 Student --
Mark Eamiguel mjeamiguel Student --
Young Chol, Shon ycshon Student --

Column definitions:

  • SBR700/OSD700 - Place a Y here if you're interested in taking the SBR700/OSD700 continuation course. This will be a Winter 2011 course where you can continue work on the project you started in SBR600 (or another project, if your SBR600 project is concluded). Place an N here if you are not interested in taking SBR700/OSD700.
  • FUDCon Tempe - Place a Y here if you're interested in attending FUDCon Tempe; place an N here if you do not want to attend.
  • FUDCon Paperwork - Place a Y here if you are interested in attending FUDCon and you have all of the paperwork in place to travel to the USA (for a Canadian citizen, this will mean a Canadian passport or a NEXUS card; for a US citizen, a US Passport; for other citizens, a passport and an appropriate US visa). If you do not have the paperwork ready, but are willing to apply for a passport/visa and there is sufficient time to get it before the trip, please put P (Pending) in this column.