FSOSS 2010/processing.js/
Game Development Using Processing.js
- Develop a simple 2D or 3D game using in Processing
Processing (aka P5) Processing.org
- Open source data visualization language
- Developed in Java
- "Sketches" written using Java syntax
- Requires a JVM plug-in
- Uses the <object> tag
Processing.js (aka PJS) ProcessingJS.org
- Open source JavaScript port of Processing
- Started by John Resig
- Many contributions by Seneca
- Bug Tracking: https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/
- Does not require a plug-in
- Uses the <canvas> tag
Setting up Processing.js
- 3 Files Required
- Processing.js file
- Sketch file
- HTML file
Coordinate system
- size() sets canvas dimensions
- top-left corner [0, 0]
- X increases right
- Y increases downwards
1 - size, background, rect Example
2 - setup Example
3 - draw, noStroke, ellipse, fill, mousePressed Example
4 - line, stroke, strokeWeight Example
5 - ArrayList Example
6 - mousePressed, mouseReleased, println Example
X - keyPressed, keyCode, keyReleased Example
7 - transforms, triangle, rect, (point)
8 - more transforms
9 - 2D Vectors (dot, mult, etc.)
10 - class (?)
11 - type demo (text, textWidth)
12 - PImage, timing, random
13 - Particle System
X - box Example
X - sphere, sphereDetail Example
X - Vertex
X - Texture Example
DOM Manipulation/Library Integration
X - DOM Interaction Example
X - jQueryUI
X - Audio
X - Video
X - Physics
X - SVG effects
+ collision detection
Requirements ? Breaks ? GitHub Lighthouse GC Links: Processing.js Home Page: ProcessingJS.org Bug Tracking: processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/ IDE: PJS, Bespin, SketchPad, EtherPad Processing Home Page: Processing.org Bug Tracking: code.google.com/p/processing/issues/list