Oct 13 to Oct20

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Revision as of 05:59, 25 October 2010 by Msaul (talk | contribs) (Created page with ''''Participants:''' Murray Saul ('''msaul''') Mustafa Redha ('''mustafaj''') Bhrugesh Patel ( '''Jet''' ) Mary Lynn Manton ( '''mlm''' ) '''msaul:''' I will be the facilitat…')
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Murray Saul (msaul)

Mustafa Redha (mustafaj)

Bhrugesh Patel ( Jet )

Mary Lynn Manton ( mlm )

msaul: I will be the facilitator (overseer) for this WIKI meeting... Please put your name and nickname (in brackets) at the top...

msaul:I can show you how to edit video clips using Cinelerra, but I assume that the MOST IMPORTANT item at this stage is to arrange people to record various presentations, and how to use the video equipment...

msaul: Who has this equipment Mary-Lynn? How can we arrange for the students or staff to "test this out"?

msaul: Thanks for joining in Mustafa...

Jet : Yo!!!! This is good but I would have preferred Face to Face for once...

msaul: Yes I agree, we will have to meet at least once, but I don't know when... Our schedules are "all over the place"... It may have to be near the start of reading week... In that way, perhaps we can all meet. On the other hand, we can use this WIKI to discuss other considerations, and perhaps divide up the tasks or evaluation of applications to see which is best... Unfortunately, it is a busy time for all of us...

Jet : Talk about it.. tests & midterm... but then again, we knew it would be like this...anyway, we can surely use some good co-ordination... I would be glad to see some of Raymond's words here

mlm : We already have software, 1 usb vga capture device, laptops, wireless microphones and whatever else we need. We don't have to invent anything. fosslc, who did the recording last year are training us, have given us a list of what we need to get have. They will be providing training on Wednesday oct 27th. We are currently arranging laptops, testing the usb vga capture device and the software. We are providing 3 laptops, fosslc are providing 2 plus 2 experts.

msaul: So mlm, training is a "done deal", and all that Raymond and I were expected to do is provide this information to students? I'm just confirming that this is correct... I might be able to create an additional WIKI on Cinelerra (time permitting), the PRJ566 student project and coordination with their client is keeping me very busy... If worse comes to worse, I could edit the captured video via Cinelerra myself (if that helps take pressure off of other volunteers)...

mlm training is a "done deal", and all that Raymond and I were expected to do is provide this information to students? yes. Hope that helps!

msaul: Thanks Mary-Lynn. Let me know if you want me to edit with Cinelerra. It may be a good exercise for me to do regardless. Then I could document it for future FSOSS events...

Jet : That's just lovely...So I guess we will be seeing one another on OCT 27th, right?