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Fedora/Firefox Repository Setup for Nightly and Beta builds

Revision as of 09:07, 8 October 2010 by Bvangennip (talk | contribs)

Project Name

Repository Setup for Mozilla Nightlies and Betas - Firefox Versions (4, 3.6)

Project Description

Automating the process of RPM building and repository updates for Fedora systems of different architectures

Project Leader(s)

  • Brett van Gennip
  • Yauheni Khabian
  • Vitalijs Bluzmans
  • Tarinur Choudhury

Project Contributor(s)

  • Chris Tyler
  • Armen Zambrano Gasparnian

Project Details

Provides more depth than the Project Description. This is the place for technical discussions, project specs, or other details. If this gets very long, you might consider breaking this part into multiple pages and linking to them.

Nightlies are located at Firefox Nightlies

--==Add details on what needs to be done to get started==--

Project Plan

? Goals for each release:

  • 0.1

Identify Project scope -

--==Add details on what needs to be done to get started==--

  • 0.2
  • 0.3

Project News

  • Day One Notes - October 8th 2010

Project: Repository Setup for Mozilla Nightlies and Betas Many web developers want access to the latest Firefox pre-releases, including the nightly builds and beta releases. Mozilla's build team wants to make these accessible as parallel-installable binaries, released through a Fedora-compatible repository. This project involves setting this up.


  • Build configuration for the RPM files.
  • Repository configuration RPMs.
  • Getting SELinux to work with the nightlies.

Website --> Firefox Nightlies

point 1 - install repositories -installing a YUM system to grab Point 2 - installation of the Repositories point 3 - create account on bugzilla

2 repositories for x86 and 64-bit --> producting the rpms

Creating spec files for nightlies ...

pull in nightly build and package

automate it using a script from the website

repository setup -> signing it -->

create the rpm for the repo

seperate nightlies and beta?? AND x86 and 64-bit ??

--> Problem --> Getting SELinux to work with the nightlies.