Feasibly Assessment of Future Phases (by Murray Saul)

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Below is an e-mail sent by Murray Saul (dated Sept 23, 2010) that indicates feasibly to future Westminster computer system expansion:

Just to inform you that the current Westminster system analysis and design phase is in progress...

The next 3 weeks will be considered "time critical" where students and myself gather information to help lay a foundation for Westminster's system design and implementation. I have sent out e-mails requesting meetings with office staff next week (Lynne), and with individuals overseeing web-page needs the following week (Brian H.).

A WIKI was created 48 hours ago, and is already providing an essential "access point" to allow students to incorporate information into their analysis application framework.

Here is a link to this WIKI:


As shown in the WIKI's diagram, emphasis will be placed on the HUB with transaction processing (including scheduling) and linkages to a web-page that will streamline problematic tasks (such as file conversion to HTML or xHTML) pending HUB's confirmation of received files/documents. I also recommend a framework to manually update the webpage (like Moodle - time permitting).

This phase does not include facilitators, except for flows of data via e-mail sent automatically from HUB during transaction processing (eg. room bookings)... A more comprehensive system setup with separate facilitator/staff/volunteer accounts would have to be considered as future candidates for development.

Unfortunately at this time, I have "no clue" how that future development would happen. Instead, I need to focus solely on this current phase.

In addition, I strongly believe future development would be a VERY complex challenge, and would require a tremendous amount of time commitment from affected facilitators/staff/volunteers. I also believe that this period is a very busy time for facilitators that are advancing the church in other important endeavors ...

Therefore, it is my personal, professional, and academic opinion that no future system phases occur until there is a carefully coordinated, lengthy, focused mechanism to lay the groundwork for the next phase. To do otherwise would simply be detrimental to the interests of Westminster. I believe this will not occur for at least 1 year, or more...

I suggest, that in the meantime, facilitators and others learn to create, and participate in specific WIKIs to plan for future phases.

I would adopt the "Mustard Seed Parable" to this situation. I see that the WIKI, although a technology, is very fertile ground, and if used properly, will draw people together so that they can plan as "one" with a strong sense of "focus", "direction", and "collaboration". I also believe this same approach would be beneficial in other technical/education/media areas of Westminster including AVIT, CE, and the Linux Computer Lab...

Sincerely, Murray Saul