Planet CDOT Feed List

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Seneca students and faculty working on open source related projects and research, as well as some faculty, students, and researchers from other institutions, use Planet CDOT to aggregate their blogs. This page contains the information about who is blogging in Planet Feed Reader format and serves as the feed configuration for the planet.

If you do not have an existing blog, you can open a free account at or or you can set up your own blog software such as Serendipity.

Note: Additions to the feed list will not take effect until they are merged into the Planet configuration, which is an automatic process scheduled at regular intervals. If you add a feed and do not see it picked up in the Planet within three hours, please check your feed entry carefully and then contact Chris Tyler .


  • Blog postings fed to the planet must conform to the Blog Guidelines.
  • Feeds that are inactive for a significant period of time may get deleted from this list.

Using a Tagged/Category Feed

A tagged or category feed includes only articles that are tagged with particular keywords or placed in a particular topic category. This can be useful for sending only selected posts to the planet.

These are the URL formats for tagged or category feeds on popular blogging services/software:

  • Wordpress: []
  • Blogger: []
  • Serendipity: [http://blog-main-url/index.php?/feeds/categories/cateogrynumber-categoryname]

Feed Info Format

You can add your blog's RSS feed at the end of the list below by specifying the following:

  1. The URL to your blog's open source Atom or RSS Feed (i.e., a category or tag). NOTE: Please do not put the URL to your blog -- use the URL for your feed. Please do not use the feed for your entire blog (unless your blog contains only open source-related postings). We only want open source related content.
  2. Your name as you want it to appear in the list of names for the planet
  3. Optionally, a URL to a hackergotchi (how to). Your picture should be an 65x85 PNG with a transparent background.


name=Chris Abbott

name=Pirathapan Sivalingam

name=Marina Ysnogorodsky

name=Ali Samimi

name = Corey Angus

name=Kijeong Kim

name=David Takasaki

name=Joe Wang

name=Jonathan Deni

name=Daniel Gilloch

name=Jianming Chen

name=Paul Whalen

name=David Chisholm

name=David Cabral

name=Zhibin Huang

name=Sadiki Latty

name=Or-el Mousaffi

name=Arya Farzan

name=Dan Ventura

name=Christopher DeCairos

name=Yong Xue

name=Anton Chan

name=Arlene Daniel

name=Alex Londono

# Disabled 2009-11-13 by Chris Tyler <> (ctyler on IRC)
# Ausley: Contact me to discuss before re-enabling.
#name=Ausley Johnson

name=Armin Kumarshellah

name=Joseph Hughes

name=Travis Rawn

name=Jonathan Piltz

name=Andrew Grimo

name=Alex Vlahopoulos

name=Andor Salga (asalga)

name=Mohamed Aden

name=Jonathan Deni

name=Konstantin Novichikhin

name=Adam Sone

name=Murray Saul

name=Arcade Project - LUX Group@

name=Lukas Blakk (lsblakk)

name=George Popescu (GeorgeP)

name=Chris Tyler (ctyler)

name=David Humphrey

name=Gajendran Ratnam (gratnam1)

name=Jonathan Cheung (jcheung23)

name=Mark Paruzel

name=Michael Szutu

name=Louis Daly (lsdaly)

# Disabled 2009-01-25 due to 404's (domain expired)
#name=Tom Aratyn

name=Ben Hearsum


# Disabled 2009-09-15 due to 404's (site rearranged?)
#name=Cesar Oliveira

name=Brandon Collins

name=Justin Goncalves (jrgoncal)

name=Tommy Lo (tlo5)

name=Armen Zambrano G. (armenzg)

name=Michael Mullin

name=Michael Mullin

# Returned 410 on 2008-09-13 - disabled CTyler
#name=Rueen Fiez

# Returning 404 on 2008-09-13 - disabled CTyler
#name=Jason Safavi

name=Vincent Lam

name=Dejan Tolj

name=Hien Huynh

name=Andrew Raynier (JM)

name=Vijey Bala

name=Shomar Dejonge

name=Dominic Baranski

#name=Lukas Blakk

name=Kerry M. Singh

name=Timothy Duavis

name=Anthony Hughes

name=Kenneth Lee

name=Catherine Leung

name=Daino Theosabrata

name=Simon Jung

name=AJ Rehman

name=Fima Kachinski

name=Andrew Smith

name=Jesse Buchanan

name=Andrew Fung

# Returned 404 on 2008-09-13 - disabled CTyler
#name=Peter Ljubanovic

name=Amit Gundu

* Changed CTyler 2009-02-12 from []

name=Yongsheng Han

name=Peter Chan

name=Seneca Canvas3D Team

name=Peter Evanoff

name=Radovan Nesic

name=Joseph Cresencia

name=David Bertenshaw

name=Ljubomir Gorscak

name=Christopher Andreacchi

name=Samer Ziadeh (samer)

name=James Boston

name=Fedora Daily Package

name=Fardad Soleimanloo

name=Fardad Soleimanloo

name=John Selmys

name=Patricia Constantino

name=Gregory Masseau

name=Ezadkiel Marbella

name=Sid Kalra

name=Patrick Lam

name=Tony Lai

name=Chris Bishop

name=Zaid Ghansar

name=Aaron Train

name=Scott Lunel

# Updated 2009-04-16, new blog. - scarter4
# Disabled 2009-11-27 due to wrong feed URL
#name=Stephen Carter

# Disabled 2009-01-23 CTyler due to 404s
#name=Shawn Dinis

name=Jason Tarka

name=Peter McIntyre
name=Leonard Lee (vesper)

name=Joshua Doodnauth

name=John Ford (John64)

name=Mohak Vyas

name=Paul DiRezze

name=Nino D'Aversa

name=Milton Paiva

name=Nestor Chan

name=Varinder Singh 

name=Aaron Hooper

name=Neil David

name=Chinmay Patel

name=Jesse Valianes

name=Bartosz Barcicki

name=Michal Heidenreich

name=Kezhong Liang 

name=Fred Wang

name=Jatinder Singh

name=Rahi Parsi

name=Aaron Chan

name=Ryan Wang

name=Khanh Vu

name=Daeseon Moon

name=Ladan Zahiroleslam Zadeh

name=Andrew Braini

name=Frankie Law

name=Allen JF Xie(heyqule)

name=Farhad Norouzi

name=John Dang

name=Peter Liu

name=Jerry Pau

name=M. Mead Armsby (mead)

name=Paritosh Aggarwal(paritosh1010)


name=Davoud Salahi Rad

name=Le Yang

name=Gary Kwong (nth10sd)

name=Lim Yuen Hoe (moofang)

name=Vu Dinh The (tonyvu)

name=Nabeel Khan (nkhan26)

name=Yaoquan (seith)

name=Shelley Shi


name=Terry Chen (jchen124)

name=Boris Chao

name=Adam Hilts

name=Yu Sasaki(OSD600)

name=Yu Sasaki(EJB605)

name=Roger Dicke

name=Matthew Lam

name=Mickael Medel (aSydiK)

name=Carl Desautels

name=Remington Selby

name=Michael Dennis

name=Timothy Catibog
name=David Horn

name=Anna Sobiepanek

name=Dmitriy Rozhkov

name=Daniel Hodgin


name=Yong Hong

# This next link does not lead to an RSS or Atom feed. Disabled 2009-10-25 by CTyler.
#name=Taehoon Kim

name=Sunny Chau

# This next link does not lead to an RSS or Atom feed. Disabled 2009-10-25 by CTyler.
#name=Sunny Chau

name=Kai Xu

name=Eric Austerberry

name=Eric Dell

name=Ehren Metcalfe

name=Brandon Smith

name=Diana Cucereavii

name=Justin Robertson

name=Paul Repasi

name=Iyosias Tessema

name=Neda Pezeshki

name=Brian Parreno

name=Donghui Liu

name=Ryan Alexander

name=Yip Lim, Seow

name=Suwon An

name=Dmitriy Tychshenko

name=Victor Tran

name=Michael Lin

name=Xiaozhe Shi

name=Feihong Xiong

name=Hasan Kamal

name= Haoliang Duan

name= Anastasia Semionova

name= Dong Sun

name=Keyan Ren

name=Chi-Lea Tran

name= Szymon Ahmed

name=Yu Wang

name=Cong Wang

name=Denny Papagiannidis

name=Yong Xue

name= Chinmay Patel

name= Sergiu Ecob

name=Sasha Atijas

name=Tyler Hackwood

name=Verity Li

name=Greg Krilov

name=David chen

name=Terence Chen

name=Yong Xue

name=Trevor Tsuji

name=Oliver Young

name=Edward Sin

name=Niki Simmalavong

name=Julia Vasserman

name=Shun Yao Zhang

# Disabled 2009-11-27 due to 500's on feed link
#name=Yip Lim Seow

name=Chris Pereira

name=Tom Wisniewski (t0mmyw)

name=Michael Dawson

name=Matthew Daniels

name=Processing.js Blog

name=David Seifried

name=Matthew Adams

name=Sergey Aleinikov

name=Wen Fang Chen

name=Donna Oberes

name=Carolyn Woodley

name=Christopher Cheung

name=Shengwei Wang
name=Wei Tong
name=Gamal Tawaf 

name=Brendan McDorman

name=Dachuan Huang

name=Qingxi Wu

name=LianHe Wang

name=Bryan Cohen

name=Felipe de Oliveira

name=Liang Wang

name=shun yao zhang

name=Gustone Lewis

name=Mo Hsiu Mei

name=Derek Ambrose

name=Scott Downe

name = Anthony Alves

name = Jeffrey Lee

name = Harjinder Virdi

name = Crystal de Nobrega (cldenobrega)

name=chris chen
name=Tianqi Liu

name=Aleh Pliats

name=Francois Des Jarlais

name=Irina Balzamova

name=Mashfique Haque

name=Yong Xue

name=Thanh Dao

name=Minoo Ziaei

name=Grace Simon Batumbya

name=Matt Postill

name=Matthew Schranz

name=Alex Chun Yang Chung

name=Han Chul Kim

name=Xi Zhang

name=Ling Wu

name=Jason Quan

name=Xiongwen LU

name=Osman Mirza

name=Adrian Maurer

name=Kumail Habib

name=Robin Co

name=Don Armin Napao

name=Christopher G. Missen

[ ]
name=YuJin Jeong

name=Chris Ryan Gosselin

[ ]
name=Stephanie Law

name=Yansong Liu

name=Vladimir Drizhepolov

name=Bhavanesh Patel

name=Xiaojiang Wu

[ ]
name=Richard Hui

name=Jason Burton

name=HongGeun Park

name=Thupten Choephel

name=Priyadeep Gill

name=Khai Huynh

name=Dale Karp

name=Vitaly Bluzmans

name=Oleg Bogomaz

name=Kerry Taylor

name=Brian Law

name=Yegor Tyunin

name=Matthew Ortofsky

name=Paul Brown

name=Jawwad Zaidi

name=Jose Rainulf Pineda

name=Dong Cheol Cha

name=Steven Weerdenburg

name=Jing Yang

name=Tarin Choudhury

name=Jeshu Donaldson

name=Yauheni Khabian

name=Mark Eamiguel

name=Kyle Weber

name=Mustafa Redha

name=Andrew Singh

name=Eric Shum

name=Hoc Tran

name=Denitsa Kitancheva

name=Jason Van

name=Kenneth Pangilinan

name=Andrew Condinho

name=Adrian Pruteanu

name=Stephen Bologna

name=Daniel Slessarev

name=Young Chol Shon

name=Jaewoo Park

name=Wei Song