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< User:Paul.W
Revision as of 09:14, 14 July 2010 by Paul.W (talk | contribs)

05 Monday

  • new builders received and configuration begun, one new builder on line as arm4
  • meeting with Chris
  • Interview

06 Tuesday

  • arm4 ready and enabled in Koji
  • create single image for deployment on builders

07 Wednesday

  • Meeting - status update of projects.
  • configure new builders, arm5, 6
  • Troubleshooting builds.

08 Thursday

  • Troubleshooting builds.
  • set up Plugs on new rack.

09 Friday

  • Blog regarding ARM Build Sys status.

12 Monday

  • Planning discussion with Chris.
  • Attempts to check out of CVS.
  • Added SCM functionality.

13 Tuesday

  • Review and successful build on pack 'R'
  • Troubleshooting Koji Builder issue, permissions on directories.