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< User:Paul.W
Revision as of 12:35, 28 June 2010 by Paul.W (talk | contribs)

01 Tuesday

  • Changes to esia package to correct remaining errors.
  • Continued blog on packaging esia
  • Consultation on Koji-Shadow with community members.

02 Wednesday

  • Reviewed plug forum posts for new information on GuruPlug thermal issues.
  • Troubleshoot esia with SheevaPlug connected. Small tweaks to spec file.
  • Order placed for additional SD cards.

03 Thursday

  • Troubleshooting esia.
  • In troubleshooting esia, damaged done to filesystem on arm2.
  • Troubleshooting arm2.

04 Friday

  • Fixed file system on arm2
  • Created backups of all filesystems for arm1, 2 and 3
  • Received shipment of new SD Cards from Canada Computers.
  • Restored newly created backups on new cards.

08 Tuesday

  • restored OpenRD certificates, backup had old certs, now back online.
  • troubleshooting Sheeva, backup gave error when booting.
  • Created new rootfs on Sheeva SD Card, booted successfully.
  • Added software for Koji.

09 Wednesday

  • Sheeva (arm2) back up and running.
  • Troubleshooting Koji, createrepo task not working.

10 Thursday

  • Create certs for new offsite builders.
  • Configured offsite builder - olpc-arm1
  • Added offsite builders to Koji

11 Friday

  • make suggested changes to NFS

17 Thursday

  • Configured remaining offsite builders. All are now on-line, ready and enabled.
  • Createrepo task running on arm2 with nfs swap
  • Createrepo task running on openrd with swap on pata.

18 Friday

  • Blog about adding swap over nfs
  • Configure offsite builders with swap over nfs.

22 Tuesday

  • Speak with community member about setting up Koji Shadow.
  • Determine what RPMS need to be imported into Koji (previously built on arm)

23 Wednesday

  • create script to determine which rpms needed.
  • create script to import srpm and rpm of availible rpms
  • Began importing srpm, rpms into Koji

24 Thursday

  • Completed upload of srpm and binary rpm where sources available on Hong Kong
  • create script to download srpms where needed (packages built but no source on Hong Kong)
  • import new source with previous built rpms into Koji

25 Friday

  • Completed importing of all existing armv5tel.rpms and src.rpms.
  • Research on how to add remaining rpms.
  • Blog about importing rpms.
  • Attempt to build packages required for rootfs-f13.

28 Monday

  • Created additional certificate for use by other builders expected this week.
  • continue to work on importing package into Koji.
  • due to power outage over the weekend Hong Kong rebooted, Koji not available due to PostgreSQL not starting at boot, corrected.
  • added missing rpm's ( devel, libs, debug). Previous script only included source and binary.