OOP344 - FjXR - 20102
We are FjXR, Code fixers are ready to go!
Group member
Group | First Name | Last Name | Section | Seneca Id | wiki id | IRC nick | Blog URL |
A | Xiongwen Lu | xlu44 | A | xlu44 | xlu44 | xlu44 | my blog |
B | Junseok | Park | A | Junseok | jpark68 | jpark68 | My Blog |
C | Richard | Hui | A | rhui4 | Rhui4 | Rhui4 | My Blog |
D | Priya | Gill | A | pkgill5 | priya | pkgill5 | My Blog |
E | Liang Wang | lwang168 | A | lwang168 | lwang168 | lwang168 | my blog |
Common Hungarian Notation Prefixes
Prefixes are often combined to form other prefixes, as when p and sz are joined to form psz, which stands for "pointer to zero-terminated string."
(See Example Below)
int nCount = 45 ;
char szUserName[20];
char* pszUserName[20];
char cLetter = 'a' ;
Prefix | Data Type |
b | BOOL |
c or ch | char |
clr | COLORREF |
cx, cy | Horizontal or vertical distance |
dw | DWORD |
h | Handle |
l | LONG |
n | int |
p | Pointer |
sz | Zero-terminated string |
w | WORD |
f | float |
Coding Style
- reference from the book of "Thinking in C++,Bruce Eckel
File names
to use cpp for implementation files and h for header files.
Note that when including Standard C++ header files,
the option of having no file name extension is used,
i.e.: #include <iostream>.