Oop344 20102 May 27 - Online IRC course
Today we go through 2 topic
1, IRC chat rules
2, lazy evaluation
Whole Version
Main Part 13:40 to 15:15
438 : [13:41] <@fardad> hello 439 : [13:41] <JQuan> hi 440 : [13:41] <cgm87> hi 441 : [13:41] <Ray_> yo 442 : [13:41] <TonyKim> Hello 443 : [13:41] <Han3> hi 444 : [13:41] <adgezaza> hai 445 : [13:41] <lwang168> hi 446 : [13:41] <Ray_> o hai 447 : [13:41] <Bhavnesh> hey 448 : [13:41] <_YJ_> hi 449 : [13:41] <slaw12> hi 450 : [13:41] <xzhang148> i have log all 451 : [13:41] <iIra> Hi everyone 452 : [13:41] <Vovko> ohai 453 : [13:41] <oleg_pliats> hi everybody 454 : [13:41] <ling_wu> hi 455 : [13:41] <caangus> hello 456 : [13:41] <Ray_> HALLO 457 : [13:42] <OzZy_M> hai2Uall 458 : [13:42] <crgosselin> HAI 459 : [13:42] <@fardad> Ray_: one hello is good :) 460 : [13:42] <sinker> hi 461 : [13:42] <Ray_> okii =) 462 : [13:42] <CloudScorpion> oh geez 463 : [13:42] <CloudScorpion> the kids are gonna lose their minds here 464 : [13:42] <crgosselin> nah we live on msn its all good 465 : [13:42] <OzZy_M> speak for yourself :P 466 : [13:43] <@fardad> Before we begin I want to use this opportunity to go through few point about IRC and the culture of chatting in IRC channels 467 : [13:43] <@fardad> just for everyone to know, the class is now in session 468 : [13:43] <xlu44> in time 469 : [13:43] <@fardad> irc chat: 470 : [13:43] <xzhang148> please add the svn 471 : [13:44] <CloudScorpion> fardad: perhaps you could mute everyone, then unmute them when you want questions 472 : [13:44] <@fardad> CloudScorpion: mute 473 : [13:44] <@fardad> irc chat rules 474 : [13:44] <@fardad> 1- casual chatting on IRC: 475 : [13:45] <@fardad> when you talk in an IRC channel that is not in a meeting mode, which means no active meetings is happening there 476 : [13:45] <@fardad> you see lots of cross talk between poeple on different subjects 477 : [13:45] <@fardad> to prevent conflict, usually users label their messages 478 : [13:45] <@fardad> CloudScorpion: thanks for being here 479 : [13:46] <@fardad> this means I am talking to CloudScorpion and no one else 480 : [13:47] <@fardad> but when you get into a channel and you see a meeting is happening, then always label your messages and try to limit them to minimum to prevent noise 481 : [13:47] <@fardad> 2- attending a meeting on IRC: 482 : [13:47] <@fardad> I - try to not do cross talking to everyone understands what is going on 483 : [13:48] <@fardad> but if you have to (have a question or want to say something to someone) then label your massege; 484 : [13:48] <@fardad> OzZy_M: are you ok with this? 485 : [13:48] <OzZy_M> fardad: I'm assuming you do not want to use Queries 486 : [13:49] <@fardad> all: that is the next point 487 : [13:49] <@fardad> if you only want to send one or two messages then labeling is fine 488 : [13:49] <@fardad> but if you want to have a non-related chat (like when you talk in class when teacher is teaching :) then use /query 489 : [13:50] <@fardad> as you know all commands start with a "/" 490 : [13:50] <@fardad> if you want to open a private chat with someone you type "/query nickname" 491 : [13:51] <sinker> fardad: how do you know when a meeting is taking place in a channel? 492 : [13:51] <@fardad> sinker: good question 493 : [13:51] <xzhang148> fardad:how many persons should in a private chat? 494 : [13:51] <@fardad> sinker: good question 495 : [13:52] <@fardad> the answer is you just know ..... 496 : [13:52] <@fardad> its like when you get in a room and yousee someone is talking an everyone else is listening.... 497 : [13:52] <@fardad> then that is a meeting or a lecture 498 : [13:53] <@fardad> xzhang148: to answer your question... 499 : [13:53] <CloudScorpion> he is gonna lose control of it so quick 500 : [13:53] <CloudScorpion> err 501 : [13:53] <CloudScorpion> ignore that 502 : [13:53] <@fardad> CloudScorpion: sure 503 : [13:53] <@fardad> xzhang148: when a privte chat using a /query is only between two 504 : [13:54] <priya_gill> hi sir when is quiz then 505 : [13:54] <@fardad> priya_gill: hi and welcome, we are in a lecture now.... 506 : [13:54] <xzhang148> fardad:ok 507 : [13:54] <adgezaza> Vovko: label command test 508 : [13:55] <priya_gill> ok what r we discussing 509 : [13:55] <crgosselin> priya_gill: be quiet like in class, this isn't msn 510 : [13:55] <tdot> fardad id use +m until question time 511 : [13:56] <@fardad> tdot: Thanks tdot, I know, but that is kind of.... dictatorship.... 512 : [13:56] <@fardad> I want students to be able to ask questions if they want :) 513 : [13:56] <OzZy_M> and totally open source... 514 : [13:56] <@fardad> ok... 515 : [13:56] <crgosselin> fardad: Please continue with the lecture 516 : [13:57] <xlu44> sinker 517 : [13:58] <@fardad> ok everyone, if you just joined, today logs are here: 518 : [13:58] <@fardad> http://tinyurl.com/oop344may27 519 : [13:58] <@fardad> read after 13:40 LABEL 520 : [13:58] <@fardad> http://tinyurl.com/oop344may27 521 : [13:58] <@fardad> OK 522 : [13:59] <@fardad> lets continue 523 : [13:59] <@fardad> IRC meetings II: 524 : [13:59] <@fardad> rule II: 525 : [13:59] <@fardad> if you need to pass a url to others in a meeting, don't use a long url like: 526 : [13:59] <@fardad> http://fardad.com/irclogs/Default.aspx?co=0&log=%23seneca-oop344.freenode.20100527&u1=All+Users&u2=No+One+Else&u3=No+One+Else&u4=No+One+Else 527 : [14:00] <@fardad> but instead use servicesl like tinyurl.com to shorten it to something like: 528 : [14:00] <@fardad> http://tinyurl.com/oop344may27 529 : [14:00] <@fardad> IRC meeting rule III: 530 : [14:00] <oleg_pliats> or bit.ly - it is free one 531 : [14:01] <@fardad> oleg_pliats: thanks 532 : [14:01] <@fardad> rule III: 533 : [14:03] <@fardad> do not copy and paste code in a chat room 534 : [14:03] <@fardad> doing this is bad: 535 : [14:03] <@fardad> #ifndef __FS_IOF_H__ 536 : [14:03] <@fardad> #define __FS_IOF_H__ 537 : [14:03] <@fardad> #define PLT_VCC 11 538 : [14:03] <@fardad> #define PLT_BCC 22222 539 : [14:03] <@fardad> #define PLT_LNX 31 540 : [14:03] <@fardad> #define PLT_MAC 434 541 : [14:03] <@fardad> #ifdef PLATFORM 542 : [14:03] <@fardad> # undef PLATFORM 543 : [14:03] <@fardad> #endif 544 : [14:03] <@fardad> #define PLATFORM PLT_VCC 545 : [14:03] <@fardad> void iof_init(); 546 : [14:03] <@fardad> void iof_end(); 547 : [14:03] <@fardad> void iof_flush(); 548 : [14:03] <@fardad> void iof_movcur(int row, int col); 549 : [14:03] <@fardad> int iof_getch(); 550 : [14:03] <@fardad> #endif 551 : [14:03] <crgosselin> fardad: god thats annoying 552 : [14:03] <@fardad> instead use sevices like: 553 : [14:04] <Ray_> pastebin? 554 : [14:04] <@fardad> pastebin.com 555 : [14:04] <@fardad> and pass something like this: http://pastebin.com/ZpdGRWaW 556 : [14:05] <@fardad> for those who just came in: 557 : [14:05] <@fardad> read http://tinyurl.com/oop344may27 558 : [14:06] <@fardad> to see what we talked about in past 30 mins 559 : [14:06] <@fardad> finaly 560 : [14:06] <@fardad> two improtant ones.... 561 : [14:06] <CloudScorpion> important* 562 : [14:07] <Ray_> lol 563 : [14:07] <@fardad> when working on an IRC chat, specially in a opensource project where so many languages are used 564 : [14:07] <@fardad> Never correct another one for spelling, grammer and stuff like that 565 : [14:07] <xlu44> lol 566 : [14:07] <@fardad> since english ir probably there 9th language.... 567 : [14:07] <OzZy_M> lol 568 : [14:08] <OzZy_M> Ya i know Javascrip, C, TURING... 569 : [14:08] <@fardad> and if someone try to type correct english, they have to think about spelling more than the topic they are talking about 570 : [14:08] <@fardad> but obviously, if the word is toooooo wrong and you can understant it, then please ask :) 571 : [14:08] <@fardad> the second thing is: 572 : [14:09] <@fardad> every know and then, drop an "OK" , "got it" or something like that, so the lecturer know he is not taling to himself 573 : [14:09] <@fardad> ok? 574 : [14:09] <@fardad> OK??????????? 575 : [14:09] <caangus> ok 576 : [14:09] <Vovko> Ok 577 : [14:09] <crgosselin> "OK" 578 : [14:09] <adgezaza> OK 579 : [14:09] <jaburton1> Okay! 580 : [14:09] <Junseok> ok 581 : [14:09] <Ray_> yessir 582 : [14:09] <cgm87> fardad: ok 583 : [14:09] <slaw12> got it! 584 : [14:10] <TonyKim> ok 585 : [14:10] <_YJ_> ok 586 : [14:10] <acchung1> ok 587 : [14:10] <goldenration> fardad: ok 588 : [14:10] <Han3> Ok 589 : [14:10] <OzZy_M> kk 590 : [14:10] <rhui4> kk 591 : [14:10] <oleg_pliats> got it 592 : [14:10] <iIra> ok 593 : [14:10] <sinker> ko 594 : [14:10] <xzhang148> ok 595 : [14:10] <Ray_> lol 596 : [14:10] <goldenration> ZZZ 597 : [14:11] <@fardad> if you want to state what you are thinking use /me in third person: 598 : [14:11] <xlu44> oki 599 : [14:11] <cgm87> ah 600 : [14:11] <xlu44> im not sleeping yet 601 : [14:11] <@fardad> and /me will be replaced with your nick name 602 : [14:12] <xzhang148> fardad:how to make a meeting room just allow our team members get in? 603 : [14:12] <Xwu> test 604 : [14:12] <Xwu> me is testing 605 : [14:12] <adgezaza> Vovko: lol Vlad 606 : [14:12] <tdot> xzhang148: just /join #channelname 607 : [14:13] <@fardad> ok 608 : [14:13] <@fardad> ok everyone any questions? 609 : [14:13] <cgm87> fardad: I have a question. Will we be getting our SVN accounts today? 610 : [14:13] <@fardad> tdot: CloudScorpion: did I miss anything about IRC chats? 611 : [14:13] <goldenration> fardad: nope 612 : [14:13] <tdot> i doubt it 613 : [14:13] <danapao> when is the quiz? 614 : [14:13] <xlu44> hi fardad 615 : [14:13] <@fardad> cgm87: I already sent the request to ACS, I will forward it to you as soon as I get it 616 : [14:14] <xlu44> i have two question 617 : [14:14] <cgm87> fardad: thanks 618 : [14:14] <@fardad> xlu44: hold for a second 619 : [14:14] <xlu44> 1 how to tags person's name 620 : [14:14] <xlu44> ok 621 : [14:14] <CloudScorpion> fardad: you could mention what a kick, ban etc are 622 : [14:14] <tdot> what for 623 : [14:14] <tdot> alsone isnt in their sem 624 : [14:15] <xzhang148> tdot: you mean I need create a new channel? 625 : [14:15] <CloudScorpion> XD 626 : [14:15] <@fardad> CloudScorpion: good point 627 : [14:15] <OzZy_M> xzhang148: Yes 628 : [14:15] <tdot> xzhang148: yes, just type /join #your_channel_name 629 : [14:15] <tdot> and it will create new channel 630 : [14:15] <tdot> (if its not already in use) 631 : [14:15] <@fardad> ok 632 : [14:15] <@fardad> wait a minute 633 : [14:15] <@fardad> everyone... 634 : [14:15] <@fardad> I see that two points were missed 635 : [14:15] <@fardad> first 636 : [14:16] <xzhang148> tdot:ok,thx 637 : [14:16] <@fardad> to create a group channel, as tdot said you just type /join #new-channel-name 638 : [14:16] <@fardad> if does not exist, one (temporary one) will get created and you can invite your team to join to chat 639 : [14:17] <@fardad> BUT 640 : [14:17] <@fardad> BUT 641 : [14:17] <@fardad> BUT 642 : [14:17] <@fardad> BUT 643 : [14:17] <Ray_> one but is enough fardad 644 : [14:17] <jaburton1> But what? 645 : [14:17] <@fardad> it is higly recommanded not to do so unless your public channel already hass a meeting going on it 646 : [14:17] <@fardad> this is agains the nature of open-ness :) 647 : [14:18] <xzhang148> oh 648 : [14:18] <@fardad> ok 649 : [14:18] <@fardad> the second thing is : 650 : [14:19] <@fardad> if you look at my name: it is differnt with other names 651 : [14:19] <@fardad> it either starts with an "@" or it is in different color 652 : [14:19] <adgezaza> no 653 : [14:20] <@fardad> that means I am an operator and I can kick poeple out 654 : [14:20] <tdot> it should start with an @ in the nicklist, on channel in mIRC it doesnt append the @ by default unless its enabled 655 : [14:20] <@fardad> or even ban them to ever enter a channel 656 : [14:21] <@fardad> because IRC is an OPEN chat system, sometimes poeple talk a little too much or go against the policy of the community, that is when an operator can kick them out, or ban them for ever 657 : [14:21] <@fardad> so 658 : [14:22] <@fardad> that is it 659 : [14:22] <@fardad> about IRC chats 660 : [14:22] <@fardad> xlu44: you hade questions 661 : [14:22] <xlu44> ty 662 : [14:22] <xlu44> will you give us the svn account? 663 : [14:23] <crgosselin> xlu44: he sent the request to ACS already, he'll email us when it comes 664 : [14:23] <Ray_> i have question, if u dont mind, how did u became an operator of a channel? 665 : [14:23] <xlu44> oh 666 : [14:23] <xlu44> ty 667 : [14:23] <tdot> Ray_: you create it, or youre given operator status by the creator :) 668 : [14:23] <@fardad> well, when you /join #new-channel, then the first person getting in is the operator 669 : [14:23] <Ray_> yeh i see that 670 : [14:23] <@fardad> and then you can give others operator status 671 : [14:24] <Ray_> nice ty 672 : [14:24] <@fardad> or you go to freenode admin and register your channel and then anytime you join it, you will be an operator 673 : [14:24] <@fardad> tdot: thanks 674 : [14:24] <Ray_> i see 675 : [14:24] <@fardad> cgm87: one last thing before we move on 676 : [14:25] <tdot> yeah, if you ever want to know the channel or nick commands, you can always do /nickserv help or /chanserv help 677 : [14:25] <@fardad> IRC meeting are very slow, because of all typing.... 678 : [14:25] <sinker> fardad: is there a command/shortcut to label your chat with another user's nick? 679 : [14:25] <tdot> for the curious 680 : [14:25] <@fardad> and because of that you must be patient 681 : [14:25] <@fardad> any questions about IRC before we start the lecture? 682 : [14:25] <sinker> fardad: is there a command/shortcut to label your chat with another user's nick? 683 : [14:25] <tdot> sinker: in mirc, you can type a portion of their nickname and hit Tab 684 : [14:26] <tdot> youre on chatzilla so i dont know... 685 : [14:26] <@fardad> ohhhhhh 686 : [14:26] <@fardad> yeah , it is like that in all IRC clients 687 : [14:26] <@fardad> type the first few and hit tab 688 : [14:26] <OzZy_M> Like Linux/UNIX 689 : [14:27] <@fardad> or DOS :) 690 : [14:27] <@fardad> he he 691 : [14:27] <@fardad> ok 692 : [14:27] <@fardad> any questions? final call 693 : [14:27] <danapao> no 694 : [14:27] <JQuan> nope 695 : [14:27] <xzhang148> no 696 : [14:27] <goldenration> fardad: no 697 : [14:28] <CloudScorpion> ATTENTION: if you want a channel that isn't uptight and formal, join #seneca-jac444 698 : [14:28] <OzZy_M> lol 699 : [14:28] <OzZy_M> no questions 700 : [14:28] <CloudScorpion> fardad: sorry, had to stick that out there 701 : [14:28] <@fardad> ooooooooh 702 : [14:28] <@fardad> yeah, the social channel for seneca students: 703 : [14:28] <@fardad> #seneca-social 704 : [14:29] <@fardad> you can get there and enjoy CloudScorpion and tdot cursing.... 705 : [14:29] <OzZy_M> fardad: so what is #seneca for? school talk? 706 : [14:29] <@fardad> oooooooooooh 707 : [14:29] <@fardad> my bad 708 : [14:29] <@fardad> #seneca 709 : [14:29] <@fardad> is the main seneca open source channel 710 : [14:29] <tdot> lol, read the huge notice when you join the channel :) 711 : [14:29] <@fardad> feel free to get there 712 : [14:30] <@fardad> ask questions 713 : [14:30] <OzZy_M> tdot: I used to use mIRC a lot previously and got mentally conditioned to ignoring those big green blocks of text 714 : [14:30] <@fardad> but when in #seneca, please don't talk about how your girlfriend dumpped you... 715 : [14:30] <@fardad> thats for #seneca-social 716 : [14:31] <rhui4> do you have to pay for mirc 717 : [14:31] <cgm87> rhui4: no 718 : [14:31] <xzhang148> ok 719 : [14:31] <xzhang148> pls go on 720 : [14:31] <rhui4> cgm87: thanks 721 : [14:31] <danapao> just continue 722 : [14:31] <tdot> rhui4: it will bother you to register, but you can ignore it 723 : [14:32] <rhui4> sweet 724 : [14:32] <tdot> right now mine says its been unregistered for 300 and something days :D 725 : [14:32] <xlu44> d 726 : [14:32] <rhui4> lol 727 : [14:33] <CloudScorpion> be good little open sores kiddies and get chatzilla 728 : [14:33] <OzZy_M> pfft 729 : [14:33] <OzZy_M> forget chatzilla 730 : [14:33] <OzZy_M> IE ALL THE WAY MAN!!! 731 : [14:33] <rhui4> netscape that 732 : [14:34] <Ray_> i like how u troll ozzy lol 733 : [14:34] <OzZy_M> meh 734 : [14:34] <OzZy_M> we're on break! 735 : [14:35] <tdot> lol 736 : [14:35] <tdot> chatzilla blows 737 : [14:35] <tdot> its a horrible unsecure client and its already been exploited 738 : [14:35] <cgm87> lol 739 : [14:35] <JQuan> lol 740 : [14:35] <CloudScorpion> your mother has been exploited 741 : [14:35] <tdot> mIRC is the only decent IRC client for windows 742 : [14:35] <Trul> True 743 : [14:36] <cgm87> or if your a Linux/Unix fan, irssi 744 : [14:36] <adgezaza> recommended for mac users: http://colloquy.info/downloads.html 745 : [14:36] <Trul> nah, BitchX is the best 746 : [14:37] <OzZy_M> isn't x_CHat a good one for linux as well 747 : [14:37] <tdot> iv only tried irssi but its annoying as hell 748 : [14:37] <tdot> xchat is ugly as hell but most linux programs are ugly as hell 749 : [14:38] <adgezaza> i irssi and thought the same 750 : [14:38] <adgezaza> i used 751 : [14:38] <tdot> you need to memorize like 40 commands to make it do anything ;p 752 : [14:38] <OzZy_M> i only used xchat once, but it didn't really feel alien. And i'm an mIRC guy at heart 753 : [14:38] <cgm87> im right now using the built-in IRC client in Opera, thought I try something different 754 : [14:38] <tdot> iv been using mirc for like 10 years so im a little biased 755 : [14:39] <OzZy_M> same 756 : [14:39] <adgezaza> colloquy is pretty much command free 757 : [14:39] <adgezaza> you can do most things by clicking and right clicking...pretty ez 758 : [14:39] <tdot> mircscript is one of the first programming languages i learned :D 759 : [14:39] <OzZy_M> I got Turing in highschool :( 760 : [14:39] <OzZy_M> sooooo boring 761 : [14:39] <crgosselin> J++ in grade 10 lmao 762 : [14:39] <tdot> i actually never took it 763 : [14:40] <caangus> I had turing, made a side scroller for my final 764 : [14:40] <Ray_> turing's an educaitonal lang 765 : [14:40] <cgm87> most high schools have turing 766 : [14:40] <Ray_> i studied it too in highschool 767 : [14:40] <tdot> i guess iv known mircscript and php and vb6 for like 10 years 768 : [14:40] <tdot> around highschool i learned java and C# and C++ 769 : [14:40] <OzZy_M> how long has C# been out? 770 : [14:40] <crgosselin> lucky.. I didnt learn c# till I was 17, 1st semester at waterloo 771 : [14:41] <tdot> C#? since about 2002 i think 772 : [14:41] <cgm87> it depends, my high school did have C++ and java, but the only teacher who taugh it we didn't see eye to eye 773 : [14:41] <OzZy_M> My school was pretty old 774 : [14:41] <OzZy_M> they god "new" P4 when I left 775 : [14:41] <OzZy_M> mind you it was in the middle of no where 776 : [14:41] <OzZy_M> oh ya 777 : [14:41] <OzZy_M> no AC in my school lol 778 : [14:42] <@fardad> ok 779 : [14:42] <@fardad> lets continue 780 : [14:42] <JQuan> ok 781 : [14:42] <_YJ_> ok 782 : [14:42] <xzhang148> ok 783 : [14:42] <xlu44> ok 784 : [14:42] <OzZy_M> yub yub commander 785 : [14:42] <cgm87> fardad: ok 786 : [14:42] <Junseok> ok 787 : [14:42] <rhui4> ok 788 : [14:43] <@fardad> I need to know everyone is here, if you are here say aye! 789 : [14:43] <caangus> aye 790 : [14:43] <acchung1> aye! 791 : [14:43] <OzZy_M> aye! 792 : [14:43] <JQuan> aye! 793 : [14:43] <crgosselin> aye! 794 : [14:43] <goldenration> aye! 795 : [14:43] <_YJ_> aye! 796 : [14:43] <mjschranz> aye 797 : [14:43] <kumail> aye 798 : [14:43] <imadorki3> aye 799 : [14:43] <danapao> aye 800 : [14:43] <rhui4> aye 801 : [14:43] <dperit> aye 802 : [14:43] <slaw12> aye 803 : [14:43] <CloudScorpion> Nay 804 : [14:43] <TonyKim> ok 805 : [14:43] <Junseok> aye! 806 : [14:43] <xlu44> aye 807 : [14:43] <ysliu2> aye 808 : [14:43] <Han3> aye 809 : [14:43] <TonyKim> aye! 810 : [14:43] <jaburton1> aye? 811 : [14:43] <Vovko> Ayee! 812 : [14:44] <priya_gill> aye! 813 : [14:44] <adgezaza> hai 814 : [14:44] <xlu44> can i copy paste in mirc? 815 : [14:44] <Vovko> no 816 : [14:44] <xlu44> ok 817 : [14:44] <rhui4> pastebin 818 : [14:44] <adgezaza> patebin 819 : [14:44] <Ray_> aye 820 : [14:44] <sinker> here 821 : [14:44] <xlu44> i wanna copy not paste 822 : [14:44] <rhui4> copybin? 823 : [14:44] <Vovko> xlux44: im kidding, u can paste anything u want 824 : [14:44] <OzZy_M> xlu44: just highlight the text, it auto copies 825 : [14:44] <Bhavnesh> aye!!!!!!!!!! 826 : [14:45] <OzZy_M> Ihave a wiki up that shows you how to log a conversation if that is what you want 827 : [14:45] <lwu11> aye 828 : [14:45] <xlu44> i wanna copy from mirc channel screen 829 : [14:45] <cgm87> brb 830 : [14:45] <CloudScorpion> hey, who wants a completed version of Assignment 1 for this class? 831 : [14:45] <xzhang148> aye 832 : [14:45] <caangus> lol 833 : [14:46] <xlu44> me 834 : [14:46] <CloudScorpion> I'll pastebin it for ya, quite open sores of me if I do say so myself 835 : [14:46] <JQuan> xlu44: just right click and hit copy 836 : [14:46] <OzZy_M> xlu44: just use your mouse and drag across the text you want to copy, then paste it wherever you want it. mIRC auto copies when you highlight text 837 : [14:46] <OzZy_M> isn't all that up on the repo already? 838 : [14:46] <OzZy_M> besides isn't fardad changing the assignment a bit? 839 : [14:46] <CloudScorpion> a bit 840 : [14:46] <CloudScorpion> not much, that would require effort 841 : [14:46] <CloudScorpion> and fardad is anti effort :D 842 : [14:47] <goldenration> isn't programmers all anti effort? 843 : [14:47] <tdot> CloudScorpion: stfu 844 : [14:47] <OzZy_M> I see you said "anti effort" and not "pro efficientcy" 845 : [14:47] <xlu44> it's the point "mIRC auto copies" thank you 846 : [14:47] <crgosselin> lol 847 : [14:47] <OzZy_M> xlu44: yw 848 : [14:50] <@fardad> question: 849 : [14:50] <@fardad> if int a = 1; and int b = 2; 850 : [14:50] <@fardad> and if(b<2 && (a=a+1)) printf("X\n"); 851 : [14:51] <@fardad> and printf("%d\n", a); 852 : [14:51] <@fardad> what is the output of second printf? 853 : [14:51] <dperit> 1 854 : [14:51] <crgosselin> 1 855 : [14:51] <OzZy_M> 1 856 : [14:51] <goldenration> 1 857 : [14:51] <imadorki3> 1 858 : [14:51] <jaburton1> 1 859 : [14:51] <priya_gill> 1 860 : [14:51] <rhui4> 1 861 : [14:51] <danapao> 1 862 : [14:51] <@fardad> question: 863 : [14:51] <Vovko> 2? 864 : [14:51] <JQuan> 1 865 : [14:51] <_YJ_> 1 866 : [14:51] <iIra> 1 867 : [14:51] <@fardad> why 1? 868 : [14:51] <CloudScorpion> syntax error 869 : [14:51] <Bhavnesh> 1 870 : [14:51] <adgezaza> 1 871 : [14:51] <xlu44> 1 872 : [14:51] <crgosselin> because b is not less than 2 873 : [14:52] <dperit> Because evaluating the truth condition takes precedence over the brackets 874 : [14:52] <xlu44> a=a+1 always be true 875 : [14:52] <Vovko> so? a=a+1 is in a conditin of 1st if statenent 876 : [14:52] <oleg_pliats> 1 877 : [14:52] <@fardad> xlu44: but if that is the case, doesn't that make a 2? 878 : [14:52] <xlu44> no 879 : [14:52] <@fardad> xlu44: why? 880 : [14:52] <adgezaza> still b<2 is still false 881 : [14:52] <priya_gill> becaz bis not <2so it will not go to check second cond 882 : [14:52] <xlu44> because b<2 is false 883 : [14:52] <dperit> The program sees that b is not less than 2, and never even touches the second part of the statement 884 : [14:53] <tdot> because C++ uses short circuit evaluation, unlike VB :/ 885 : [14:53] <@fardad> as priya_gill said, since the first condition is false 886 : [14:53] <OzZy_M> tdot: i was going to say that 887 : [14:53] <rhui4> tdot: what does that mean 888 : [14:53] <@fardad> the whole condtion's result is known 889 : [14:53] <@fardad> and because of that C does not waste time check the rest 890 : [14:53] <tdot> what fardad said 891 : [14:54] <rhui4> thanks 892 : [14:54] <@fardad> and because of that a = a+1 never happens 893 : [14:54] <@fardad> this is called lazy evaluation 894 : [14:54] <Vovko> fardad: k 895 : [14:55] <@fardad> remember the qustion I asked in class? 896 : [14:55] <xlu44> most of them 897 : [14:55] <OzZy_M> which one? :P 898 : [14:55] <priya_gill> ya the array one for printing <3 899 : [14:56] <crgosselin> for greater than 3 900 : [14:56] <OzZy_M> OHH the McDonalds combo #2? 901 : [14:57] <@fardad> put one line in the for loop 902 : [14:57] <@fardad> yada yada yada; 903 : [14:57] <Han3> a[i]>3 && printf("%d\n", a[i]); 904 : [14:57] <@fardad> with no ?: operator 905 : [14:57] <@fardad> http://pastebin.com/Uzc1D9W8 906 : [14:57] <priya_gill> ya 907 : [14:57] <@fardad> Han3: :) 908 : [14:58] <@fardad> didn't let me finish :) 909 : [14:58] <OzZy_M> oh ya 910 : [14:58] <xlu44> i sneaked ur last semaster answer;D 911 : [14:58] <@fardad> perfect 912 : [14:58] <crgosselin> fardad: you can use && without an if? 913 : [14:59] <@fardad> crgosselin: it goes back to what I said before 914 : [14:59] <@fardad> in C 915 : [14:59] <@fardad> operator are operators 916 : [14:59] <@fardad> if you can use + without an if 917 : [14:59] <@fardad> you can use && without an if 918 : [14:59] <crgosselin> oh ok 919 : [14:59] <@fardad> + && > / - are all the same 920 : [14:59] <crgosselin> thanks 921 : [14:59] <@fardad> they are all operaotrs working on their operands and returning a value 922 : [15:00] <adgezaza> fardad: a[i]>3 && printf("%d\n", a[i]); is the answer? 923 : [15:00] <@fardad> is everyone ok with that or Han3 ruined it for all :) 924 : [15:00] <iIra> yes 925 : [15:00] <@fardad> adgezaza, yeah 926 : [15:00] <Han3> sorry 927 : [15:00] <rhui4> ok 928 : [15:00] <xlu44> y 929 : [15:00] <adgezaza> fardad: thanks 930 : [15:00] <jaburton1> Nice to know. 931 : [15:00] <_YJ_> thanks Han 932 : [15:00] <xzhang148> ok 933 : [15:00] <Han3> YW 934 : [15:00] <OzZy_M> score one for the HOTYS 935 : [15:01] <@fardad> adgezaza: yes because C tests a[i] > 3 :) 936 : [15:01] <Han3> lol 937 : [15:01] <@fardad> if it is true then it needs to evaluate printf, and that is when it is printing 938 : [15:01] <@fardad> but when a[i] > 3 is false, then it will not evaluate printf 939 : [15:01] <@fardad> and it will not print 940 : [15:01] <crgosselin> fardad: will you get fired for doing this in the workplace? 941 : [15:02] <@fardad> so Han3 gave us the wrong answer 942 : [15:02] <xlu44> do you like we code in that way or use "if" 943 : [15:02] <@fardad> :) 944 : [15:02] <adgezaza> i like that 945 : [15:02] <jaburton1> So the default is if it's true it continues, else it stops. 946 : [15:02] <tdot> xlu44: you almost would always want to use an if for clarity 947 : [15:03] <OzZy_M> xlu44: you program for quality and let compiler do most optimizations 948 : [15:03] <@fardad> with && the nutral operand is true 949 : [15:03] <@fardad> which means if the first one is true the second one is tested 950 : [15:03] <@fardad> with || false is nutral 951 : [15:03] <adgezaza> fardad: is it faster for the compiler to make the condition without the if statement? 952 : [15:03] <@fardad> adgezaza: it is much much faster 953 : [15:04] <@fardad> so it depends on what you are programming 954 : [15:04] <@fardad> ad tdot said, if is usualy prefered for clarity but 955 : [15:04] <adgezaza> just use comments to clarify if its faster? 956 : [15:05] <@fardad> if you are writing a driver for a graphic card, then you need speed and then cond && action is prefered 957 : [15:05] <@fardad> well, "comments" is always recommanded and even enforced but 958 : [15:05] <@fardad> in my experience , it is not there, when you need it most 959 : [15:05] <@fardad> so 960 : [15:06] <@fardad> ok everyone is ok with lazy evaluation? 961 : [15:06] <adgezaza> fardad: understood 962 : [15:06] <jaburton1> yep 963 : [15:06] <rhui4> yes 964 : [15:06] <crgosselin> yes 965 : [15:06] <xlu44> k 966 : [15:06] <priya_gill> yes 967 : [15:06] <JQuan> yes 968 : [15:06] <Junseok> yes 969 : [15:06] <goldenration> fardad: yes 970 : [15:06] <Han3> yes 971 : [15:06] <caangus> yeah 972 : [15:06] <OzZy_M> yub yub commander 973 : [15:06] <oleg_pliats> yes 974 : [15:06] <xzhang148> ok 975 : [15:06] <cgm87> fardad: ya 976 : [15:06] <imadorki3> yes 977 : [15:07] <_YJ_> yes 978 : [15:07] <@fardad> OzZy_M: not to correct you but it is "Aye Aye Commander" :) 979 : [15:07] <@fardad> alright 980 : [15:07] <iIra> yes 981 : [15:07] <Bhavnesh> yes 982 : [15:07] <rhui4> aye aye commander 983 : [15:07] <OzZy_M> fardad: yub yub is the sound ewoks make :P inside star wars joke :P 984 : [15:07] <@fardad> acutally that is what I needed to cover for this week.... 985 : [15:08] <Vovko> star wars? 986 : [15:08] <rhui4> star balls is a good movie 987 : [15:08] <acchung1> nice 988 : [15:08] <@fardad> this is OOP344 to comicon... 989 : [15:08] <@fardad> s/to/not 990 : [15:08] <@fardad> ok 991 : [15:09] <@fardad> are everyone ok with what we talked about? 992 : [15:09] <sinker> yes 993 : [15:09] <crgosselin> yes 994 : [15:09] <_YJ_> yes. 995 : [15:09] <rhui4> aye aye commander 996 : [15:09] <acchung1> ye 997 : [15:09] <OzZy_M> fardad: are we not to use lazy notation for anything in this class? 998 : [15:09] <xzhang148> ok 999 : [15:09] <JQuan> yes 1000 : [15:09] <imadorki3> oui 1001 : [15:09] <goldenration> fardad: yes 1002 : [15:09] <Bhavnesh> ya 1003 : [15:09] <caangus> yeah 1004 : [15:09] <Han3> ok 1005 : [15:09] <Junseok> ok 1006 : [15:09] <cgm87> yep 1007 : [15:09] <slaw12> yes 1008 : [15:09] <@fardad> in my class use whatever you want as complicated as you want BUT 1009 : [15:10] <@fardad> make sure that is not shooting yourself in the foot 1010 : [15:10] <@fardad> if you do something complex and in the process do something wrong, you will still get marks deducted 1011 : [15:11] <OzZy_M> and if it is something hard and right? bonus? 1012 : [15:11] <tdot> basically use what makes sense for that part of the code :) 1013 : [15:11] <OzZy_M> i see 1014 : [15:11] <@fardad> ok everyone, 1015 : [15:11] <cgm87> yep 1016 : [15:11] <@fardad> if there is not question 1017 : [15:12] <@fardad> s/not/no 1018 : [15:12] <cgm87> fardad: what would something complex be? 1019 : [15:12] <rhui4> what does that mean 1020 : [15:12] <oleg_pliats> no 1021 : [15:12] <@fardad> if there is no question, then this is it 1022 : [15:12] <crgosselin> fardad: go drink some steamy hot green tea with honey and maybe you'll get your voice back 1023 : [15:12] <oleg_pliats> NO! 1024 : [15:12] <rhui4> ok thx 1025 : [15:12] <@fardad> thanks for coming and will go through your meeting schedule to see if I can attend