OOP344 - HOTYS IRC Logs - 20102
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Log 1 (05/23/10)
Session Start: Sun May 23 13:52:53 2010 Session Ident: #seneca-HOTYS 03[13:52] * Now talking in #seneca-HOTYS 03[13:52] * holmes.freenode.net sets mode: +ns 03[13:55] * OzBot changes topic to 'Meeting Will Start At 4pm. This Channel Is Being Logged...*' 03[15:13] * TonyKim (~tony_core@net1.senecac.on.ca) has joined #seneca-HOTYS 03[15:20] * OzZy_M (~omirza@ has joined #seneca-HOTYS 02[15:39] * OzZy_M (~omirza@ Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds*) 03[15:40] * OzZy_M (~omirza@ has joined #seneca-HOTYS 03[15:48] * slaw12 (~chatzilla@ has joined #seneca-HOTYS [15:49] <OzZy_M> Hi [15:49] <OzZy_M> I'm just finishing up typing up some of the styles [15:49] <TonyKim> Hi All! [15:49] <slaw12> Hello! 03[15:58] * _YJ_ (~chatzilla@CPE0022b0d1b62a-CM001692fb1c3c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #seneca-HOTYS [15:58] <_YJ_> hello [15:58] <OzZy_M> hi [15:58] <TonyKim> Hi [15:58] <slaw12> hi [15:59] <OzZy_M> I'll be putting up a ROUGH copy up on the wiki page in a second [16:00] <_YJ_> okay. I will take a look at it [16:00] <OzZy_M> just go over it and keep in mind the things you do and do not like [16:00] <TonyKim> OK. Thanks [16:00] <OzZy_M> It will be up momentarily [16:00] <slaw12> Ok sounds good. [16:00] <OzZy_M> we're just missing Han? [16:00] <_YJ_> yeah [16:00] <_YJ_> where is he [16:01] <OzZy_M> no idea [16:02] <OzZy_M> Does anyone have his number? [16:02] <OzZy_M> Maybe he forgot :P [16:02] <OzZy_M> Ok the rough is up [16:02] <OzZy_M> Tell me what you guys think [16:02] <TonyKim> Looking the programming style. [16:03] <OzZy_M> Don't be afraid to say anything [16:03] <OzZy_M> these are what we'll be going by the whole semester! [16:03] <_YJ_> I just called Han [16:03] <_YJ_> he is going to come [16:04] <TonyKim> I have a idea about naming of a member variable. [16:04] <OzZy_M> yes? [16:04] <TonyKim> class CFileBase [16:04] <TonyKim> { [16:04] <TonyKim> public: [16:04] <TonyKim> FILE *m_pFile; [16:05] <OzZy_M> Oh ya classes and FILE objects [16:05] <TonyKim> If we put the prefix "m_", [16:05] <OzZy_M> m_ for? 03[16:05] * Han3 (~hckim3@bas1-toronto09-1279543549.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #seneca-HOTYS [16:05] <Han3> Hi memebers... [16:05] <TonyKim> "m_" is a member [16:05] <TonyKim> variable [16:05] <TonyKim> Hi Han! [16:05] <OzZy_M> @Han look at the wiki page and go over the coding styles [16:05] <Han3> ok [16:05] <OzZy_M> what's up Han [16:05] <OzZy_M> Oh ya [16:06] <OzZy_M> I missed that one [16:06] <TonyKim> Is it good? [16:06] <Han3> I will look over wiki page [16:06] <OzZy_M> so [16:06] <OzZy_M> All DATA members should also have m_ prefixed? [16:06] <OzZy_M> is that what you are saying? [16:07] <TonyKim> Specially, the prefix is for class member variables. [16:07] <OzZy_M> ok [16:07] <OzZy_M> let me update the wiki to show an example then [16:07] <OzZy_M> gimme a second [16:08] <TonyKim> OK [16:08] <TonyKim> public: [16:08] <TonyKim> int m_nItemCount; [16:08] <TonyKim> char m_szItems[SCRIPT_MAXARRAY][SCRIPT_MAXARRAYITEM]; [16:08] <Han3> For the function name.... [16:08] <TonyKim> Yes [16:09] <Han3> we should use lowercase letter for first letter [16:09] <_YJ_> I like what Ozzy wrote [16:09] <Han3> e.g. drawText() [16:09] <_YJ_> oh [16:10] <Han3> for the class name, [16:10] <TonyKim> You mean "Java style". :-) [16:10] <_YJ_> yeah. that's right [16:10] <OzZy_M> ok update is up [16:10] <OzZy_M> ya [16:10] <TonyKim> OK [16:10] <OzZy_M> I don't really like JAVA style [16:10] <Han3> we should use Capital letter [16:10] <OzZy_M> because it iseasier to see that it is a function [16:10] <OzZy_M> but if everyone agrees [16:10] <Han3> That's not really JAVA style.. [16:11] <Han3> It's general style for programming [16:11] <TonyKim> static int CompareNode( void *pArg, SCRIPT_NODE *pFirst, SCRIPT_NODE *pSecond ); [16:11] <OzZy_M> So basically the first letter shoul always be lower case for function names? [16:11] <Han3> I believe [16:11] <OzZy_M> No Han it isn't [16:11] <OzZy_M> well [16:11] <OzZy_M> I've seen programs that do not use that convention [16:11] <OzZy_M> but we can vote [16:11] <OzZy_M> I honestly don't care [16:12] <OzZy_M> it does not help/hurt readability that much [16:12] <OzZy_M> So I say that rule is up in the air? [16:12] <OzZy_M> we can all do it whatever way we want? [16:12] <OzZy_M> it is a minor thing imo [16:12] <TonyKim> I don't care. I can use any styles. [16:12] <OzZy_M> ok [16:12] <OzZy_M> Han, Stephanie, YuJin? [16:13] <OzZy_M> Any objections? [16:13] <slaw12> I don't care either. [16:13] <OzZy_M> OK then if no one objects... [16:13] <_YJ_> oh wait a sec [16:13] <OzZy_M> if you want to use lowercase or Upper case do it [16:14] <OzZy_M> oh ya Another thing I forgot to add [16:14] <OzZy_M> Constant Variables and #define Variables [16:14] <OzZy_M> I would like them to be All Caps [16:14] <OzZy_M> it makes it REALLY distinguishable [16:14] <TonyKim> I agree with it. [16:14] <_YJ_> I agree [16:14] <TonyKim> #define SCRIPT_MAXLINE 2048 [16:14] <TonyKim> #define SCRIPT_MAXNAME 128 [16:14] <OzZy_M> OR [16:15] <OzZy_M> const int MAX_NUM_OF_PINGS [16:15] <Han3> sure...Constant should capital [16:15] <OzZy_M> Sweet [16:15] <slaw12> I'm fine with that too [16:15] <OzZy_M> I will pretty up the wiki page after the meeting [16:15] <OzZy_M> i just threw it up there to be quick [16:15] <_YJ_> okay [16:15] <OzZy_M> Any objects to File/Function headers? [16:15] <TonyKim> void *pValue; or void* pValue; [16:16] <OzZy_M> objections* [16:16] <OzZy_M> hrmmm [16:16] <OzZy_M> I like the C++ style tbh [16:16] <TonyKim> good [16:16] <Han3> look so fine [16:16] <OzZy_M> anyone else objects? [16:16] <TonyKim> char * GetItem( int nArray ); ----> char* GetItem( int nArray ); [16:17] <OzZy_M> Ya the asterisk with the data type [16:17] <OzZy_M> lemme add a few more things in then [16:17] <TonyKim> OK [16:17] <_YJ_> ok [16:17] <Han3> good [16:19] <OzZy_M> ok I got the constant variables and pointers up there [16:19] <Han3> did you guys talk about variable naming rules? [16:19] <OzZy_M> so No one objects to anything up there? [16:19] <OzZy_M> ya [16:19] <OzZy_M> it is one of the first things in the section [16:19] <OzZy_M> the prefix thing [16:20] <Han3> ok..sounds good [16:20] <OzZy_M> you're ok with it? [16:20] <OzZy_M> Stephanie/Yujin? [16:20] <_YJ_> yeah [16:20] <slaw12> yup [16:20] <OzZy_M> ok [16:20] <OzZy_M> so Function/File headers and inline comments [16:20] <OzZy_M> any objections? [16:21] <_YJ_> I'm okay [16:21] <_YJ_> looks good [16:21] <OzZy_M> sweet [16:21] <TonyKim> When you write a "(", do you put a space after it? For examle, "return stricmp( pFirst->szName, pSecond->szName );" or "return stricmp(pFirst->szName, pSecond->szName);" [16:21] <OzZy_M> everyone else good? [16:21] <TonyKim> good [16:21] <OzZy_M> one sec lol [16:22] <OzZy_M> that one doesn't matter [16:22] <OzZy_M> like the function naming rule [16:22] <TonyKim> OK [16:22] <OzZy_M> it is very minor in terms of readability [16:22] <OzZy_M> so everyone is free to do as they see fit [16:22] <OzZy_M> ok [16:22] <OzZy_M> so the big one [16:22] <OzZy_M> TABS!! [16:22] <OzZy_M> there should be NO use of tabs [16:23] <OzZy_M> that is to say the \t character [16:23] <_YJ_> is there function that if I type tab, it automatically make 3 spaces ? [16:23] <TonyKim> Just use spaces? 3 spaces? [16:23] <OzZy_M> I will put up a wiki on how to default VS/Notepad++ to automatically convert a tab press to 3 characters [16:23] <OzZy_M> ya [16:23] <_YJ_> yes please [16:23] <TonyKim> ok [16:23] <OzZy_M> 3 space is big enough to see a difference [16:23] <_YJ_> I don't know how to do it [16:23] <_YJ_> yeah [16:23] <Han3> depends on the toolss [16:23] <OzZy_M> anything bigger is bad [16:24] <OzZy_M> it looks bad i mean [16:24] <_YJ_> okay [16:24] <OzZy_M> ok [16:24] <TonyKim> p pointer [16:24] <OzZy_M> ok [16:24] <OzZy_M> so [16:24] <TonyKim> m_pFile [16:24] <OzZy_M> what IDEs do you guys use? [16:24] <Han3> so we only need 3 spacs for tab... [16:24] <OzZy_M> 3 spaces for tab yes [16:24] <OzZy_M> one sec? [16:24] <Han3> good [16:24] <OzZy_M> Tony what did you say? [16:24] <TonyKim> VS 2008 or VS 2010 [16:24] <OzZy_M> you want to put p as pointer prefix? [16:25] <slaw12> ok so no tab. :) I'm using vs 2008 too [16:25] <OzZy_M> ok [16:25] <OzZy_M> Han/YuJin? what IDE/Editor do you guys use? [16:25] <OzZy_M> I use VS 2010/notepad++ [16:26] <Han3> vs2008 [16:26] <_YJ_> I've been using Vi actually [16:26] <_YJ_> I will start to use VS 2008 [16:26] <OzZy_M> REally?! [16:26] <OzZy_M> ya [16:26] <OzZy_M> that will be a good idea [16:26] <TonyKim> VS 2008 [16:26] <_YJ_> I don't use notepad [16:26] <OzZy_M> ok [16:26] <OzZy_M> So everyone uses VS 2008/2010 [16:26] <OzZy_M> good [16:26] <_YJ_> does version matter ? [16:26] <OzZy_M> I will put up a wiki after the meeting [16:26] <OzZy_M> showing you how to change the tab to 3 spaces [16:26] <_YJ_> 2008 or 2010 [16:27] <OzZy_M> no [16:27] <OzZy_M> it doesn't [16:27] <OzZy_M> they are both good [16:27] <_YJ_> okay [16:27] <OzZy_M> Ok [16:27] <OzZy_M> so [16:27] <OzZy_M> any questions/concerns/gripes? [16:27] <OzZy_M> Anything at all? [16:28] <_YJ_> so far, no [16:28] <OzZy_M> Han Tony Stephanie? [16:28] <Han3> ok [16:28] <OzZy_M> Tony Stephanie? [16:29] <TonyKim> Thinking... [16:29] <OzZy_M> ok [16:29] <OzZy_M> btw Tony [16:29] <TonyKim> Yes [16:29] <OzZy_M> did you say you wanted to put a "p" prefix for pointers? [16:29] <TonyKim> Yes, that's correct. [16:30] <OzZy_M> so int* nType ---> int* pnType [16:30] <OzZy_M> ok [16:30] <OzZy_M> i'll put that one up it is a good idea I think [16:30] <OzZy_M> No objections I hope? [16:30] <_YJ_> I'm okay [16:31] <slaw12> it looks good to me [16:31] <Han3> i don't care [16:31] <OzZy_M> Do you guys want to add anything? [16:31] <TonyKim> What about naming of a class? [16:31] <TonyKim> class File; or [16:31] <TonyKim> class CFile? [16:31] <OzZy_M> I don't think we need to prefix Classes [16:31] <Han3> I think File is ok.. [16:32] <TonyKim> OK [16:32] <_YJ_> File is okay [16:32] <OzZy_M> Because we name the classes ourselves so they are not part of a compilers normal code [16:32] <OzZy_M> so most editors won't highlight them [16:32] <OzZy_M> therefore they are pretty distinguishable [16:32] <OzZy_M> Although [16:32] <Han3> what about naming for function I talked before? [16:32] <OzZy_M> I think that the first letter for all classes should be Capitalized [16:32] <TonyKim> I like it. [16:33] <TonyKim> :-) [16:33] <OzZy_M> That one is minor Han [16:33] <OzZy_M> You can do as you see fit [16:33] <Han3> did we decide to use lowercase letter? [16:33] <OzZy_M> we decided to let everyone do whatever they wanted to do [16:33] <Han3> I just wonder... [16:33] <_YJ_> okay [16:33] <OzZy_M> because it was a minor rule [16:33] <OzZy_M> is that ok with you? [16:33] <slaw12> hmm.. maybe we should be consistent [16:33] <Han3> good [16:34] <OzZy_M> maybe you're right stephanie [16:34] <_YJ_> let's vote [16:34] <OzZy_M> so quick vote [16:34] <OzZy_M> Upper/lower [16:34] <OzZy_M> Upper [16:34] <slaw12> I'm used to upper [16:34] <TonyKim> Upper [16:34] <_YJ_> lower [16:34] <_YJ_> but seems already upper has 3 ppl [16:34] <OzZy_M> lol [16:34] <TonyKim> LOL [16:34] <OzZy_M> 3/2 [16:35] <Han3> hum... [16:35] <OzZy_M> ok so that has been voted on i'llput that up [16:35] <_YJ_> okay so upper [16:35] <Han3> ok [16:35] <OzZy_M> so [16:35] <OzZy_M> to reiterate [16:35] <OzZy_M> function names should be ALL lower case [16:35] <OzZy_M> EXCEPT [16:35] <OzZy_M> for the begining letter of each word [16:35] <OzZy_M> correct? [16:36] <_YJ_> wait a sec [16:36] <_YJ_> do you mean [16:36] <OzZy_M> so: [16:36] <_YJ_> GetChar should be Getchar [16:36] <_YJ_> ? [16:36] <OzZy_M> no [16:36] <TonyKim> virtual bool ReadString( char* pBuf, int nBufLen ); [16:36] <OzZy_M> getChar is wrong [16:36] <_YJ_> okay [16:36] <OzZy_M> we will use GetChar [16:36] <_YJ_> ? [16:36] <_YJ_> a okay [16:37] <OzZy_M> you ok with that? [16:37] <_YJ_> I was confused cause you said all letter should be lower cas [16:37] <TonyKim> virtual int GetLength(); [16:37] <_YJ_> case* [16:37] <OzZy_M> GetChar() NOT Getchar() [16:37] <TonyKim> ok [16:37] <_YJ_> lol [16:37] <slaw12> ok [16:37] <_YJ_> GetChar() [16:37] <_YJ_> agree [16:37] <OzZy_M> sweet [16:37] <OzZy_M> ok [16:38] <OzZy_M> so anything else we want to discuss? Coding styles or Not [16:38] <Han3> did you guys talk about comments? [16:38] <OzZy_M> It written down on the page [16:39] <OzZy_M> we've, so far, decided on File AND function headers [16:39] <Han3> if so, can you explain how we will... [16:39] <Han3> good [16:39] <OzZy_M> and inline comments indented to the same level as the code it is commenting [16:39] <slaw12> Can we have a comment before each function describing what it does? [16:39] <OzZy_M> the file header should have: File Name, Your Full name, Date Last Modified, and A short description of what the file is doing [16:40] <OzZy_M> Steph: I put that up there I think. Each Function should have a description of what it does [16:40] <_YJ_> yeah you did [16:40] <TonyKim> Ozzy, do you mean "typedef CCriticalSection CIntLock; // InterThread Lock"? [16:40] <OzZy_M> I dont' get the question Tony [16:40] <slaw12> oh... k.. sorry I missed it. [16:41] <OzZy_M> Steph: Np [16:41] <TonyKim> I mean the inline comments... [16:41] <OzZy_M> ok [16:41] <OzZy_M> I see what you mean sort of [16:41] <OzZy_M> So [16:41] <OzZy_M> If you need to comment a Variable more just use a few tabs over on the same line [16:41] <OzZy_M> and comment it [16:41] <OzZy_M> but [16:41] <OzZy_M> if you have complicated code [16:42] <OzZy_M> ex: nested if statements [16:42] <OzZy_M> going like 5 deep [16:42] <TonyKim> ok [16:42] <OzZy_M> and you need to comment the one 3rd deep [16:42] <OzZy_M> the commment for that one should Also be 3 deep [16:42] <OzZy_M> so it is easier to see what code the commment is refereing to [16:42] <OzZy_M> and Please [16:42] <TonyKim> Yes [16:42] <OzZy_M> not ascii art lol [16:42] <OzZy_M> no* [16:42] <TonyKim> Haha [16:43] <OzZy_M> just keep it short and sweet lol [16:43] <OzZy_M> It will make more sense when I redo the wiki page [16:43] <_YJ_> yeah [16:43] <OzZy_M> ok [16:43] <OzZy_M> so [16:43] <OzZy_M> Also [16:44] <OzZy_M> If you're getting behind on the project for whatever reason and cannot make a deadline date [16:44] <OzZy_M> just email everyone in the group and we can try and redistribute the work [16:44] <_YJ_> sounds good [16:44] <OzZy_M> I understand that Anything can happen [16:44] <OzZy_M> like [16:44] <OzZy_M> I have to work and goto school and have other responsibilities [16:44] <TonyKim> OK [16:44] <OzZy_M> so if I'm getting behind [16:45] <OzZy_M> i will email all of you and tell you [16:45] <_YJ_> yeah [16:45] <slaw12> ok sounds good [16:45] <OzZy_M> and also [16:45] <Han3> ok [16:45] <_YJ_> but it shouldnt be like 1 days ago [16:45] <_YJ_> earlier enough [16:45] <OzZy_M> ya [16:45] <OzZy_M> it should not be the day before [16:45] <OzZy_M> there isn't much we can do about that [16:45] <TonyKim> ok [16:45] <OzZy_M> also if you're having trouble, ASK FOR HELP!!! [16:45] <OzZy_M> 2 minds are better than one [16:46] <_YJ_> agree [16:46] <slaw12> Fardad is the one deciding who does what right? [16:46] <OzZy_M> I'm not entirely sure [16:46] <OzZy_M> I think so [16:46] <_YJ_> according to your section [16:46] <_YJ_> a,b,c,d,e [16:46] <OzZy_M> ya [16:47] <OzZy_M> I saw that someone added the section IDs [16:47] <_YJ_> I thought Ozzy did that [16:47] <TonyKim> I did it [16:47] <_YJ_> good [16:47] <TonyKim> a,b,c,d,e [16:47] <OzZy_M> nice [16:47] <TonyKim> Thanks [16:47] <OzZy_M> So anything else? before I get to work on the wiki? [16:47] <OzZy_M> ooh [16:47] <OzZy_M> meetings [16:47] <OzZy_M> we are supposed to have weekly meetings [16:47] <OzZy_M> TBH sundays are the best day for me [16:48] <OzZy_M> what about you guys? [16:48] <TonyKim> Fine [16:48] <OzZy_M> we can reschedule as needed but I think we should have 1 definitive day to fall back on [16:48] <_YJ_> what's TBH [16:48] <OzZy_M> To Be Honest [16:49] <_YJ_> thanks [16:49] <OzZy_M> So for Me: Sundays All Day. What about everone else? what is a good day? [16:49] <slaw12> Sundays are good for me too but I think I'd prefer it to be a little earlier [16:49] <OzZy_M> ok [16:49] <OzZy_M> so we got 2 sundays [16:49] <TonyKim> Sunday works [16:49] <OzZy_M> 3 [16:49] <OzZy_M> Han YJ? [16:49] <_YJ_> For now, sundays are okay [16:49] <OzZy_M> ok 4 [16:50] <OzZy_M> Han? [16:50] <Han3> I am ok... [16:50] <OzZy_M> ok [16:50] <_YJ_> It will be always online ? [16:50] <OzZy_M> So we did it at 4pm this time. Stephanie wants it earlier [16:50] <OzZy_M> what time is good for you Stephanie? [16:50] <OzZy_M> YJ: Yes it has to be logged [16:51] <OzZy_M> YJ: OzBot is logging this right now on my home computer [16:51] <_YJ_> I see [16:51] <slaw12> late morning to early afternoon?? [16:51] <OzZy_M> I will write a wiki on how to send files over mIRC soon [16:51] <OzZy_M> lol [16:51] <OzZy_M> Time period? [16:51] <OzZy_M> 11am-2pm? [16:52] <slaw12> haha... [16:52] <OzZy_M> Earlier/Later? [16:52] <TonyKim> Alt + S : Sending fiels [16:52] <slaw12> sorry, yah 11-2 is fine if everyone is ok with it :) [16:52] <TonyKim> yes [16:52] <OzZy_M> So lets say 12pm? [16:52] <_YJ_> 11-2 sounds okay [16:53] <_YJ_> okay [16:53] <OzZy_M> So lets say 12pm? [16:53] <_YJ_> I'm okay [16:53] <OzZy_M> 12 is good? everyone will log on automatically then? [16:53] <TonyKim> Lunch time... :-) Good [16:53] <_YJ_> Ozzy, what happen if someone can't attend a meeting one day [16:53] <OzZy_M> if there is nothing to say we can just log off after [16:53] <OzZy_M> Email me [16:53] <OzZy_M> and I'll bring it up at the meeting [16:53] <slaw12> k, noon is good [16:54] <OzZy_M> Han? Sunday noon is good for you? [16:54] <Han3> ho..sorry..late answer..ok [16:54] <OzZy_M> so Sunday Noon is good? [16:55] <_YJ_> YES [16:55] <OzZy_M> Awesome [16:55] <OzZy_M> ok [16:55] <OzZy_M> I'm assuming everyone has a Cell phone, I'd like to exchange those too [16:55] <OzZy_M> just in case [16:55] <_YJ_> ***-***-**** [16:55] <OzZy_M> I'll send out an email [16:55] <TonyKim> ***-***-**** [16:55] <slaw12> good idea [16:55] <OzZy_M> we have to log this on the net lol [16:56] <OzZy_M> so I'll delte those when I send Fardad the logs lol [16:56] <_YJ_> thanks Ozzy [16:56] <Han3> good [16:57] <OzZy_M> Awesome I have Han's I believe so I'll send those out [16:57] <OzZy_M> ok [16:57] <OzZy_M> anything else to discuss? or are we done? [16:57] <_YJ_> For me, it seems done [16:58] <slaw12> I'll email mine out. [16:58] <OzZy_M> ok [16:58] <OzZy_M> I'll email mine tony YJ and hans [16:58] <slaw12> ok [16:58] <TonyKim> I know your number. :-) [16:58] <TonyKim> Ozzy [16:59] <OzZy_M> So if we're done i'm going to work on the wiki [16:59] <TonyKim> Whenever you send an email to us, it contains your information. [16:59] <OzZy_M> oh ya i forgot i set that up lol [16:59] <_YJ_> okay I'm going to log out then [16:59] <TonyKim> Dod you need any help of the wiki? [17:00] <TonyKim> *Do [17:00] <OzZy_M> Naa I can do it [17:00] <TonyKim> Ok [17:00] <OzZy_M> I have to organize it first and then I'll put it up [17:00] <OzZy_M> you can tweak it as needed after [17:00] <Han3> Every one has a good holiday [17:00] <_YJ_> Thanks everyone [17:00] <slaw12> Thanks Ozzy for setting that up! [17:00] <_YJ_> Bye [17:00] <OzZy_M> Yup [17:00] <TonyKim> Thanks all! [17:01] <OzZy_M> See you guys later [17:01] <OzZy_M> i'll email when the wiki is done [17:01] <TonyKim> OK 03[17:02] * Han3 (~hckim3@bas1-toronto09-1279543549.dsl.bell.ca) has left #seneca-HOTYS 03[17:03] * _YJ_ (~chatzilla@CPE0022b0d1b62a-CM001692fb1c3c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has left #seneca-HOTYS [17:03] <TonyKim> Bye 03[17:03] * TonyKim (~tony_core@net1.senecac.on.ca) has left #seneca-HOTYS 02[17:03] * slaw12 (~chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.0.19/2010031422]*)