OOP344 - HOTYS - 20102
OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources
This is team HOTYS homepage!!!
The Name of the team is derived from the first letter of each group member's name:
Han Chul Kim
Osman Mirza
Tony Kim
YuJin Jeong
Stephanie Law
Member List
Last Name |
Name | Seneca Username |
Section | Blog Url | IRC Nick | My Contributions |
Kim | Han | hckim3 | A | http://hckim.wordpress.com/ | han3 | Hckim3 |
Mirza | Ozzy | omirza | A | http://0zzym.wordpress.com/ | OzZy_M | OzZy |
Kim | Tony | kjkim | A | My Blog | TonyKim | kjkim |
Jeong | YuJin | yjeong | A | Spirit & Soul | YuJin | Takeiteasy |
Law | Stephanie | slaw12 - | A | My Blog- | Slaw12 | slaw12 |
Team Project
IRC Schedule/Log
Coding Style Rules
To Be Announced as soon as there is consensus!