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Storage Performance By: Daniel Gilloch (dgilloch@learn.senecac.on.ca)


The goal was to attempt to install a hypervisor on an already existing machine for our koji build farm and determine whether or not this would be a viable developement solution. Some issues taken into consideration:

  • Cost
  • Setup
  • Performance


Determining and comparing the cost of buying arm machines, vs utilizing already existing hardware.

Determining the process of setting up virtual machines and the setup of an arm machine.

A Performance benchmark using koji build as this is a real world example of the exact type of developement that will be done on the machines. Also taken into consideration is if other environmental effects on the machine could interfer with build times.


What happened while you worked on the problem? You had multiple iterations -- what happened at each milestone? Did you go down the wrong path and have to start over? What barriers did you encounter?


What did you discover and learn during the process -- about the technology, the open source process, the community, yourself and your abilities, collaboration?
