Fedora Arm Secondary Architecture/Koji Builders

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Koji Configuration - Builder

Kojid is the build daemon that runs on each of the build machines. Its primary responsibility is polling for incoming build requests and handling them accordingly. Koji also has support for tasks other than building. Creating install images is one example. kojid is responsible for handling these tasks as well. kojid uses mock for building. It also creates a fresh buildroot for every build. kojid is written in Python and communicates with koji-hub via XML-RPC.

Configuration Files:

  • /etc/kojid/kojid.conf - Koji Daemon Configuration
  • /etc/sysconfig/kojid - Koji Daemon Switches

Install kojid

root@localhost$ yum install koji-builder

NFS Configuration

Perform the steps outlined on the NFS Configuration page, including adding entries to the /etc/hosts file.

Koji Configuration

/etc/kojid/kojid.conf: This needs to point at your koji-hub.

; The URL for the xmlrpc server

; the username has to be the same as what you used with add-host
; in this example follow as below
user = arm-001-001 ;Matches your VM name

; The URL for the packages tree

This item may be changed, but may not be the same as KojiDir on the kojihub.conf file (although it can be something under KojiDir, just not the same as KojiDir)

; The directory root for temporary storage

SSL Certificates For Authentication

Copy the appropriate certificat(s) from HongKong:/etc/pki/koji/certs/

/etc/kojid/kojid.conf: If using SSL, these settings need to be valid.

;client certificate
; This should reference the builder certificate we created above, for
; kojibuilder1.example.com
cert = /etc/kojid/arm-001-008.pem

;certificate of the CA that issued the client certificate
ca = /etc/kojid/koji_ca_cert.crt

;certificate of the CA that issued the HTTP server certificate
serverca = /etc/kojid/koji_ca_cert.crt

Start Kojid

Koji Host Entry
Before starting Kojid, make sure that the entry for your builder is in the database. The command to do this (as kojiadmin on HongKong) is koji add-host hostname

After, start Kojid:

root@localhost$ /sbin/service kojid start

Check /var/log/kojid.log to verify that kojid has started successfully.