FedoraARM Secondary Architecture/Repo Bootstrap

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To load the initial packages to be used to building into the koji repo.

Steps Performed

Create tags

[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-tag dist-f13test
[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-tag --parent dist-f13test --arches arm distest-build
[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji list-tags

Add external repo

[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-external-repo -t dist-f13test-build dist-f13test-external-repo http://hongkong/yum/base/12/arm/
Created external repo 1
Added external repo dist-f13test-external-repo to to tag ['dist-f13test-build'] (priority 5)

Add a target

[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-target dist-f13test dist-f13test-build

Create the "build" and "srpm-build" package groups.

[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-group dist-f13test-build build
[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-group dist-f13test-build srpm-build

Populate those package groups with packages. Note: I used the same packages for both, we should check whether srpm-build matches the primary archs.

[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-group-pkg dist-f13test-build build bash \
bzip2 coreutils cpio diffutils fedora-release findutils gawk gcc gcc-c++ \
grep gzip info make patch redhat-rpm-config rpm-build sed shadow-utils \
tar unzip util-linux-ng which bash curl cvs fedora-release gnupg make \
redhat-rpm-config rpm-build shadow-utils

[kojiadmin@hongkong ~]$ koji add-group-pkg dist-f13test-build srpm-build bash \
bzip2 coreutils cpio diffutils fedora-release findutils gawk gcc  gcc-c++ \
grep gzip info make patch redhat-rpm-config rpm-build sed shadow-utils \
tar unzip util-linux-ng which bash curl cvs fedora-release gnupg make \
redhat-rpm-config rpm-build shadow-utils