Considerations BEFORE Building a Recording Studio (Hardware)
If you intend to produce high quality recordings, and use your studio on a continual basis, then it is highly recommended to plan your recording studio, or take some time to consider your hardware.
Selecting hardware for a recording studio can be a difficult subject to discuss. Hardware can range from the basic and cheap to the very expensive "professional" grade which be very expensive. For example, I know of a colleague that has build a music studio in his house which has an approximate worth of $100,000.00!
This WIKI Project concentrates on providing a lower-ranged cost approaches to Recording Studio construction and operation. The following hardware devices were listed since they work with Ubuntu Studio, and are owned and used by our project group members.
Computer Hardware
The better computer system you have to record, the better the end result. Although the operating system and application requirements may be within the parameters of your computer system, it is recommended to go "high-end" or at least try to "approach" it. Limitations with a slower CPU and low amount of RAM can lead to "system lock-ups" or "noise" such as fizzles and pops when recording your audio product.
If you cannot afford another, computer and you already have a high-end MS Windows machine, consider installing Ubuntu Studio as a second OS. This means that your computer system will have Dual Boot capacity. When you power on your machine, you will have a choice of your Windows machine or your Ubuntu Studio machine...
I have been told by others that it is better to install Ubuntu Studio (with the Real-time Kernel), than to add Ubuntu Studio as an add-on to an existing Linux system (FYI)...
For reference, here are specifications for my Ubuntu Studio computer (Stand-alone):
- Pentium IV 64-bit Dual Core
- 4 GB RAM
- 750 GB HD
- VGA/CVI AGP Graphics Card
- USB Mouse / Keyboard
- Gigabit Ethernet Card
Hard Disk
High quality audio and video data takes up a lot of disk space. You should have a hard drive with a large storage capacity. For example, a hard drive with 500 GB up to 1TB would be considered an appropriate size.
You can combine several hard disk drives to form a larger storage area. You can use LVM (Logical Volume Manager) to span several hard disk drives to create one large storage area. When available, [click here] to learn how to use LVM...
It is a good idea to have a read/write DVD/CD drive. You can use it to burn your finished audio products onto a permanent storage media for playback. In addition, you can store your audio data onto a DVD drive for backup purposes, and future reuse (re-mixing) in order to space hard drive space.
Monitor / Video Card
It is good to have an "open mind" here. Instead of having just one monitor, you can have "multiple monitors". For example, if your video card has outputs to VGA, and DVI, or 2 DVIs outputs, you can connect them to two separate monitors. Then you can select SYSTEM -> DISPLAY in Ubuntu to detect, specify placement of monitors to each other, and remove the "Mirrored" option to have "more space" to work on your audio applications. I am working on a method to use 4 monitors - as soon as I get it working, I will provide a link for documentation...
USB audio/MIDI interface
You will need an interface to record your music into your computer system. One simple way to do this, is to connect a microphone into the 1/8 inch RCA microphone jack of your computer's sound card. Although this solution may be cost-effective, it may not be the best method to solve all your audio recording needs.
Because you will be recording audio from several different sources such as keyboard, guitar and voice, it may be better to spend more money on a USB Audio/MIDI Interface. We will discuss three different examples of devices that some of our project members own. Each are listed from more expensive to relatively cheap. We will also discuss the strengths and limitations of each type of interface. There are more expensive interfaces that exist, but these ones fit the lower-ranged cost approach.
M-Audio FastTrack Pro
This USB Audio / MIDI device is an excellent candidate for your Ubuntu Studio.
- Works with Ubuntu Studio ("Out-of-the-Box")
- Multiple Inputs for MIC or LINE (2), MIDI Device (MIDI OUT / MIDI IN)
- Phantom Power for non-powered MICs
- Unit internally powered from computer's USB port
- Builtin monitor displays
- Builtin Sound card
- A/B Switch for front/Back panels
Cost: Approx $200 CDN