Student List OOP344 - 20101

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OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources

OOP344 Student List for Winter of 2010

It is strongly advised to first make sure the following are done before you add your name here:

  • You have a registered name for IRC; server.
  • You have a blog

Please add your information to the table below if you are a student in oop344, Winter of 2010.
If any of your blog, irc nick or group project page is not set yet, fill the cell with a "-".
Make sure you insert your information sorted, based on your last name.

If you are creating a new page on wiki, always start the name of the page with OOP344 unless you believe the page has content that can be useful for general public.

OOP344 - 2010 student list
Name Last Name Team Name Section Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick Blog URl
Matthew David Adams - A mdadams1 your_wiki_id - -
Sergey Aleinikov - A saleinikov your_wiki_id - -
Timothy Jordan Catibog - A tjcatibog your_wiki_id - -
Senthil Raju Chandran - A srchandr your_wiki_id - -
Wen Fang Chen - A wfchen your_wiki_id - -
Matthew David Daniels - A mddaniels your_wiki_id - -
Thanh Dao - A tdao3 your_wiki_id - -
Edouard Davlatian - A edavlatian your_wiki_id - -
Felipe Mendes De Oliveira - A fmdeoliveira your_wiki_id - -
Arya Farzan - A afarzan2 your_wiki_id - -
Frenton Lee - A flee8 your_wiki_id - -
Michael Lin - A mlin25 your_wiki_id - -
Umar Mirza - A umirza your_wiki_id - -
Andrew M Misko - A ammisko your_wiki_id - -
Hsiu-Mei Mo - A hmo6 your_wiki_id - -
Or-El Mousaffi - A omousaffi your_wiki_id - -
Brian Parreno - A bmparren your_wiki_id - -
Remington Selby - A rselby your_wiki_id - -
Niki Simmalavong - A nsimmalavong your_wiki_id - -
Wei Tong - A wtong1 your_wiki_id - -
Daniel Stephen Ventura - A dsventura your_wiki_id - -
Chunxia Wang - A cxwang your_wiki_id - -
Lianhe Wang - A lwang162 your_wiki_id - -
Liang Wang - A lwang168 your_wiki_id - -
Cong Wang - A cwang84 your_wiki_id - -
Yu Wang - A ywang268 your_wiki_id - -
Shengwei Wang - A swang94 your_wiki_id - -
Amy Michelle Ward - A amward1 your_wiki_id - -
Kai Xu - A kxu9 your_wiki_id - -
Shun Yao Zhang - A syzhang4 your_wiki_id - -
Minoo Ziaei - A mziaei1 your_wiki_id - -
Sunny Chau - B schau5 your_wiki_id - -
Christopher Gar-Parc Cheung - B cgcheung your_wiki_id - -
Bryan Matthew Cohen - B bmcohen your_wiki_id - -
Michael Grant Dawson - B mgdawson your_wiki_id - -
David Horn - B dhorn1 your_wiki_id - -
Dachuan Huang - B dhuang18 your_wiki_id - -
Anastasia John-Sandy - B ajohn-sandy your_wiki_id - -
Ashutosh Mukesh Khamar - B amkhamar your_wiki_id - -
Taehoon Kim - B tkim28 your_wiki_id - -
Brendan Mcdorman - B bmcdorman your_wiki_id - -
Donna Abigail Oberes - B daoberes your_wiki_id - -
Aleh Pliats - B apliats your_wiki_id - -
Mubashir Raziq - B mraziq your_wiki_id - -
David Seifried - B dseifried your_wiki_id - -
Gamal Tawaf - B gtawaf your_wiki_id - -
Huaxing Wang - B hwang94 your_wiki_id - -
Carolyn J Woodley - B cwoodley1 your_wiki_id - -
Yong Xue - B yxue11 your_wiki_id - -