Team Mighty Morphin Coding Rangers - OOP344
Coding Style
The Coding Rangers had their first somewhat informal meeting on Jan. 21 to determine a uniform coding style. They came up with the following:
- Comment as much as you can using /* ... */.
- At the top of every file, include your name, the filename, and the purpose of the file.
- Comment on what a function is supposed to do before the function definition.
- Change to newline once you reach column 80. Nothing to be typed beyond column 80!
- When naming variables,
- use single letters (like i, j, a, or v) for counters only;
- assign the variable a name that best describes what it is used for (but please don't make it too long);
- and separate words with caps.
Eg. noOfOrders, not nooforders
- When naming a function, name it according to what it is supposed to do.
Eg.void updateDelivery, int setInitialValue
, notvoid Deliveries, int InitialValues
- Class names must begin with a capital letter
- Tab/space two (2) spaces for every block of code. For example:
main () {
int x, y;
for (x = 0, y = 10; x < 10 && y > 0; x++, y++) {
printf("x is %d, y is %d\n", x, y);
printf("The sum of x and y is %d\n", x + y);
if (x == 5)
printf("We've reached the halfway point!\n"); }
printf("Hello, world!");
main ()
will start at column 1. Tab every block of code two spaces over.Eg.
i = 0;
, not i=0;
while, for, if, else,
put a space after the keyword and the expression following it.
if (x == 0)
is correct; if(x == 0)
is incorrectEg. CORRECT:
int setSafeEmptyState {
int setSafeEmptyState