OOP344 ljubomir notes
Week 2 - Sep 13
- define
- include
- macros
- operators
- statement evaluation
- return value of main
- return value of printf & scanf
- conditional compilation
Week 3 - Sep 20
- pointers
- pointer arithmetic
- pointers to pointers to pointers... etc.
- logical operators and pointers
Week 4 - Sep 27
- ~#undef
- casting
- unsigned variables
- multi-dimentional arrays and their pointer notation
- pointers to functions
- pointers to pointers to pointers... etc.
- typedef, enum
Week 5 - Oct 4
- bits, bitwise operators
- a jump ahead and review!
- C++
- inheritance
- polymorphism
- encapsulation
- default parameters
- forward declaration
- initialization vs. setting
- vitual methods
- pure virtual methods
- abstract base classes