Student List OOP344 - 20101

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OOP344 - OOP344 Student List - OOP344 Teams - OOP344 Assignment One

OOP344 Student List for Fall of 2009

Please add your information to the table below if you are a student in oop344, fall of 2009.
If any of your blog, irc nick or group project page is not set yet, fill the cell with a "-".
Make sure you insert your information sorted, based on your last name.

Due date for this is Wednesday Sep/19/20009.

If you are creating a new page on wiki, always start the name of the page with OOP344 unless you believe the page has content that can be useful for general public.

OOP344 student list
Last Name Name Seneca Username Section Blog Url IRC Nick Group wiki page My Contributions
Shi Xiaozhe xshi18 A - - - -
Soleimanloo fardad fardad.soleimanloo A My Seneca blog fardad OOP344 GroupName for project Open
Selby Remington rselby B - rselby - -
Desautels Carl cwdesautels A Blog [Carl89] - -
Daniels Matthew mddaniels B - - - Open
Tran Chi-Lea ctran13 C Blog - - -
Tran Victor vvtran C Blog? vvtran
Lin Michael mlin25 A School blog mk_ln
Ferrara Brandon bferrara B [1] BrandonFerrara - Open
Atijas Sasha satijas A Blog Sash040 - Open
Papagiannidis Denny dpapagia A Denny's Seneca Blog dennyp - Open
Galano Stefano sugalano B - Galano - -