DPS909 and OSD600 Winter 2009 Eclipse WTP Summary
Through direct involvement in Eclipse WTP project, students were introduced to technical, social and pragmatic aspects of developing open source software. Students worked under the guidance of Seneca professor Jordan Anastasiade, alongside Seneca professor Peter Liu, and within the Eclipse Community to identify, reproduce, and fix bugs from the Eclipse Bugs database. Students were encouraged to contribute to the community in any way they can. This could involve writing code to fix bugs, testing solutions, contributing to a bug fix or developing tutorials. Winter 2009 was the first time run through of DPS909 and OSD600 with Eclipse WTP. This page reflects a summary of the work done during the course and students' accomplishments.
Using Eclipse to Develop WTP
- Link: Using Eclipse to Develop WTP
- By: Jordan Anastasiade
- Description: The tutorial is the first one from a series of WTP tutorials. In this tutorial one learns how to set up the Eclipse environment to start developing and maintaining Web Tools Platform plug-ins, by creating a simple addition to the user interface in the servertools part of WTP. The tutorial explains in details the procedure (i.e. the steps necessary) for setting up an Eclipse working environment for developing and maintaining WTP projects.
Building Eclipse Web Application
- Link: Building Eclipse Web Application - Processing Forms with JSP and JavaBeans in Web Application
- By: Jordan Anastasiade
- Description: In this tutorial one learns how to configure Eclipse to work with Tomcat and create a Java EE Web Application project that uses a JavaBean and JSPs to create a user email registration application. While simple in content, the example provides a introduction to Java EE Web development based on elements available in the Eclipse Web Tools Platform development environment.
Building Eclipse Enterprise Application
- Link: Building Eclipse Enterprise Application (EJB 3.0 Session Bean, using Eclipse with GlassFish)
- By: Jordan Anastasiade
- Description: This tutorial is on how to configure Eclipse to work with GlassFish application server and create a Java EE enterprise applicationproject that uses a servlet, a JSP as web component and a session stateless enterprise bean as business component. The enterprise application, while very simple, provides a good introduction to Enterprise development end EJB version 3.0 features available in the Eclipse Web Tools Platform.
Persistence in Web Tier using Eclipse
- Link: Persistence in Web Tier using Eclipse (Web Persistence with JPA, using Eclipse with GlassFish)
- By: Chris Bishop, Dongwook Kim & Jordan Anastasiade
- Description: In this tutorial ones learns how to configure Eclipse to work with GlassFish application server and create a Java EE enterprise application project that uses JPA and the persistence mechanisms. The enterprise application, while very simple, provides a good introduction to persistence in Web tier, Java EE in general and features available in the Eclipse Web Tools Platform in particular.
Persistence in EJB Tier using Eclipse
- Link: Persistence in EJB Tier using Eclipse - EJB 3.0 Persistence Tier – Using Eclipse with GlassFish and MySql
- By: Weiguo Bi
- Description: This tutorial is on creating an enterprise application composed of an EJB, Persistence Tier, and web components servlet and JSP as clients. The tutorial allows you to understand how you can design, develop and use EJB, Persistence Tier technology based on 3.0 specifications. This tutorial will introduce you to session stateless EJB 3.0, Persistence, Entity(POJO), and EntityManager deployed in a GlassFish container. Thus, GlassFish becomes the Web Tools Platform project's application server for tutorial's enterprise application.
Sample Enterprise Application in Eclipse WTP
- Link: Sample Enterprise Application in Eclipse WTP
- By: Rong Qing Chen and Weiguo Bi
- Description: Student Management System - design, develop and use EJB based on 3.0 specifications using Eclipse WTP.
WTP - API Concepts and Roles
Server Tools Architecture - Techniques to find the source code for a specific bug
Eclipse Plug-in Architecture
Plug-in Technology - Techniques for developing Eclipse WTP