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OPS335 - Assignment 1 (Part 2)

Revision as of 19:43, 7 September 2021 by Andrew (talk | contribs) (General Requirements)
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In this assignment, you will use the 335assign virtual network and the pangaea cloning-source that you created in assignment 1 (part 1) to create two name-servers. One of the cloned VMs (hostname: australinea) will be a master name server, and the other VM (hostname: antarctica) will be a slave name server. You will install and setup the master and slave servers in order to provide various domain name resolutions for existing servers, and for servers that will be created and used in assignment #2.

General Requirements

Weight: 7.5% of the overall grade

Due Date: check with your professor

Detailed Requirements

It is YOUR responsibility to Backup all of your VMs for this Assignment!
You are required to frequently backup your VMs prior to exiting a work session during this assignment. Your instructor will NOT accept the fact that your hard disk crashed and lost all of your work. If you properly backed up your VM images and xml configuration files to a USB, then you can purchase a new hard-disk or wipe and recreate your hard disk and restore your VMs.

Set-up Master Name Server (australinea)

Perform the following steps for this section:

  1. Create a clone virtual machine called australinea from the pangaea cloning-source. Refer to the table below for address and hostname.
  2. Create a regular user for this virtual machine using your Seneca userID.
  3. Setup a DNS server on your australinea virtual machine noting the following items below:
    1. This virtual machine will be the Master DNS server for
    2. Only antarctica will be allowed to obtain zone transfers of this zone.
    3. This machine will provide forward and reverse lookups of ALL virtual machines in the zone, including resource records for virtual machines that do not currently exist.
    4. You MUST use the following names for both the forward and reverse zone files in /var/named directory: and mydb-for-172.28.105
    5. Any machine in the network may use this machine to perform queries of machines outside the network, however it will route all such queries through the DNS server you created in lab #3.
    6. For machines outside the domain, it will only answer queries about machines inside the network. They may not use it to query other machines.

Set-up Slave Name Server (antarctica)

Perform the following steps for this section:

  1. Create a clone virtual machine called antarctica from the pangaea cloning-source. Refer to the table below for address and hostname.
  2. Create a regular user for this virtual machine using your Seneca userID.
  3. Setup a DNS server on your antarctica virtual machine noting the following items below:
    1. This virtual machine will be the Slave DNS server (in case the Master Name Server goes down).
    2. This virtual machine will obtain its zone files by copying them from the Master Name Server.
    3. This Slave DNS server will check for updated records from the Master DNS server every three days. If the initial attempt fails, then it will attempt every twenty-four hours until it succeeds, or three weeks have passed.
    4. This machine will provide forward and reverse lookups of ALL machines in the zone, the zone files for which will be obtained from
    5. Only machines within the domain will be allowed to query this machine.
    6. This machine will not provide recursive lookup capabilities for any machines.

Network Configuration

As you will now have functioning primary and secondary DNS servers, modify your network configuration file on these machines and on the cloning source to specify the correct IPADDR.

Table of Virtual Machines / DNS Records

All the machines in the following table require DNS records. The rows not shaded represent future servers that will be created in Assignment #2.

Hostname / Domain Address Purpose' (your existing host) External Facing Address: DHCP assigned
Internal Virtual Bridge (virbr1):
Your host machine Cloning-source used to create other servers for other assignments. Master Name Server Slave Name Server SMTP mail Server IMAP mail Server Samba Server

Set-up Firewall Policies

In addition to the basic firewall established in assignment 1, ensure the following restrictions are met:

  1. Any machine may query australinea
  2. Only the machines in the network may query antarctica.

Assignment Submission

The student is required to prove to their professor that their set-up works correctly during the regularly-scheduled lab period.

Assignment Evaluation Details

  • Demonstrate working assignment to your instructor in class:
    1. Students need to demonstrate their assignment functionality to their professor during a lab period (like you would for any lab for "sign-off").
    2. Students are required to prepare everything ahead of time so that you can quickly demonstrate to your instructor that all required parts of your assignment are working.
    3. Do not proceed to the next step until you have demonstrated your assignment to your instructor to check for errors that may cause problems when running the checking script.

  • Download and run a shell script to check your work:
  1. Login as root on your host machine.
  2. Change to the /root/bin directory.
  3. Make certain that your assignment VMs are running.
  4. Issue the command to download a checking script for your assignment to your host machine:

    Set execute permissions and run the shell script.
    Upload the resulting file to blackboard.

    Evaluation Rubric

    Here is an evaluation rubric (in table form) showing you how you will be evaluated for this assignment. Part of the rubric is marked from professor observation from student demonstration of assignment in class, and the other part is based on output from the results of an assignment checking script that the student will download and run.

    Student Demonstration (in class)
    Evaluation Item Mark
    australinea and antarctica VMs created
    australinea and antarctica VMs can perform DNS queries of vm1, vm2, vm3
    australinea and antarctica VMs can perform forward DNS lookups for ALL machines within network (listed in the table above)
    australinea and antarctica VMs can perform reverse DNS lookups for ALL machines within network (listed in the table above)
    Zone transfer occurs
    Configuration (Checking Script Output)
    Evaluation Item Mark
    Master Name Server (australinea) - Network Configuration
    correct static network configuration
    (one mark for each network config item)
    Master Name Server (australinea) - Named Configuration Options / Zone Declarations
    Zone transfer (i.e. to slave DNS server) limited to antarctica only
    Allows forward and reverse lookups to
    Recursion limited to only
    australinea server is the master name-server for
    Master Name Server (australinea) - Zone Record
    SOA - three common options (determined by instructor at time of marking)
    Correct NS records in forward zone
    Correct NS records in reverse zone
    Slave Name Server (antarctica) - Network Configuration
    correct static network configuration
    (one mark for each network config item)
    Slave Name Server (antarctica) - Named Configuration Options
    Queries are limited to
    Slave server is Non-recursive
    Allows forward and reverse lookup for
    antarctica server is slave name-server for
    Firewall policies
    australinea allows queries from any machine (i.e. will work with vm1, vm2, vm3)
    antarctica limits queries to (i.e. won't work with vm1, vm2, vm3)
    Less Deductions (1 mark per issue for EACH VM):
    • Not using zone filenames: and mydb-for-172.28.105
    • VM hostname NOT set
    • firewalld enabled / running
    • iptables disabled / not running
    • No Yum update
    • Named NOT active
    • Local hostname resolution appears in /etc/hosts (1 mark per entry, per vm)
    • Neglecting major safeguards (e.g. no firewall present, firewall allowing all traffic, no active SELinux) (4 marks per issue, per VM)
    • Failing to backup VMs (1 mark deduction for each VM not backed up)
    TOTAL /40