Sep 21, 2010 class lecture notes for OOP344

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OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources

OOP344 lecture for Sep 21st


  1. Fardad Soleimanloo (lecturer)
  2. Dale Karp (team.h)
  3. Daniel Slessarev (team.h)
  4. Carey Hu(team.h)
  5. Timothy Catibog (Team Recompile)
  6. Jeshu Donaldson(Team A, Recompile)
  7. Paul Brown (Team G)
  8. DongCheol Cha (Team D)
  9. Ling Wu (Team C)
  10. James Robinson (Team B)
  11. Andrei Artamonov (KrazyDre, Team E)
  12. Oleg Bogomaz(Team B)
  13. Wei Song( wsong18, Team G)
  14. Leiding Chen(ldchen1, Team E)
  15. John Griffith(jdgriffith Team C)
  16. Juan P. Molina M. (Session C team "X")

Rules of IRC sessions and lectures

Ping Pong

To call someone to talk or attract their attention use:

RecipientNickName: Ping?

And to reply to a ping:

CallerNickName: Pong!

Cross Talking

When and IRC channel is hosting a meeting or a lecture,
Do not cross talk with other participants too much, but if you have to always label your posts to identify who you are talking to:
RecipientNickName: Message e.g Fardad: wassup?
Make sure your don't over do it, because this creates lots of noise.

Public Talking

If you want to post something for everyone, don't label it. But if you want to attract everyone's attention then label it with something like;

All or Everyone: Message e.g All: wassup?


If you want to mention something about yourself in "third person form" use "/me";
/me Message (talk about yourself) /me is listening = YourNickName is listening


When in a meeting make sure you acknowledge the lecturer or the chair by dropping an "ok" (or something similar) to show you are listening.


In a meeting or a lecture don't do too much "cross talk" but if you have to then.
Use /query NickName to open a private chat and talk to him/her directly.


Do not copy and paste big chunks of code in a channel instead use a service like to share your code with your peers

IRC meetings' nature

Understand that IRC meetings and lectures are much more slow than face to face meetings and lectures, So you must be patient.
But in return, irc lectures and meetings are never forgotten because they are "by nature" documented and can be reviewed very easily.

Do not copy and page very long URLs on the channel, instead use services like to shorten a long url.

/nick (to show your current status)

use /nick to change your nick to show your status, for example:
/nick fardad_afk : this meand fardad is "away from keyboard"

Asignment First delivarable:

(Due: Thursday, September 23, 2010 @ 12:00 pm) login to your svn account and create directories needed to start the development.

SVN repository


The trunk is the most up to date working copy of the (in this case) program. It has to be made sure to compile.(The root of your project.)


Successful snapshots of your program. (e.g prj0.01, prj0.1, prj0.6, prj1.0);


Your personal workspace for the project

When you think you finished a project that is due, you branch (copy) the trunk (that is the successful compilable verion of your project) into prjx.x in tags for your prof to mark. (x.x is the release number of your prject, for example prj0.1)
now if after branching in tag you notice, more things are needed, you branch a new one in tag after that under prj0.11, prj.0.12 and so on.
At marking time, your prof will mark the latest release of your milestone (milestone is another name for a dir in tags)

Creating your workspace:
Essentially, what you do is this: in branches:

  1. First you create a dir under your learn id (learn id: Seneca email id)
  2. Then you branch a copy of trunk into your "learnid" dir under a name that relates to the goal that workspace was made for:
    If you are working on iolib linux platfrom, For example a good name will be: iolibLNX.
    So the path for it would be: (if I am a student and my learn id is fsoleima)
    This action is called "branching trunk into a workspace"
    This dir "iolibLNX" is for fsoleima to work on trunk without getting worried to make trunk unusable for others. then iolibLNX is done by "fsoleima" and the linux platform is complete and working, fsoleima will "merge" back the "iolibLNX" into trunk.
  1. Merging:
    1. Trunk is updated (so it will have all the changes others made)
    2. IolibLNX is tested for merge to make sure there is no major problems with it
    3. The actual merge is done and trunk is tested for errors and possible conflicts
    4. Possible errors and conflicts are resovled (this is the only time you are allowed to directly work on trunk)
    5. Trunk is tested again and made sure it is compilable and working
    6. Trunk is commited back to repository
    7. If conflicts happen, go back to 4
    8. Trunk is branched into tags
    1. Trunk is always in compiled state and the latest "major" success is always tagged.

Lecture logs

102 : [12:01] <@fardad> Hello all,
103 : [12:01] <daleee> hio
105 : [12:01] <pbrown9> Allo gov'na
106 : [12:02] <@fardad> if you have just joined, please open and type your name in the document and right top in the webpage to get identified
107 : [12:02] <KrazyDre> lmao tdot
108 : [12:02] <@fardad> s/and right/at right
109 : [12:03] <ChrisCha> fardad: why there is no my name on right top menu
110 : [12:03] <pbrown9> ChrisCha: You can't see your own name in the list. It's there though.
111 : [12:03] <ChrisCha> Got it!
112 : [12:04] <@fardad> ok, could you please in the public document, type your team name in front of your hame
113 : [12:04] <@fardad> Sorry add your team AFTER your name
114 : [12:04] <KrazyDre> fardad: Are there labs or workshops in OOP344?
115 : [12:05] <dslessarev> maybe we should use same colors for teams?
116 : [12:05] <@fardad> Thanks
117 : [12:05] <@fardad> let me check and see if at least one person is here from each team....
118 : [12:05] <ChrisCha> am I only person for team D? ><D
119 : [12:06] <daleee> pwnd
120 : [12:07] <@fardad> That is ok
121 : [12:07] <@fardad> ok,
122 : [12:07] <pbrown9> I got an email from one of my team this morning. I wonder why he's not here.
123 : [12:07] <daleee> he's playing hooky... internet hooky
124 : [12:07] <@fardad> hi ldchen1
125 : [12:08] <@fardad> if you have just joined, please open and type your name in the document at right top in the webpage to get identified also add your name to the public document like others
126 : [12:09] <@fardad> before we begin, lets set few ground rules
127 : [12:10] <ldchen1> Hi
128 : [12:10] <@fardad> These ground rules are not rules, but mostly tradition in IRC chatting in opensource professional world
129 : [12:10] <@fardad> First:
130 : [12:11] <@fardad> to call someone, your type their nickname and then the word "ping"
132 : [12:11] <@fardad> and the answer is:
135 : [12:11] <@fardad> yes, but actually
136 : [12:11] <@fardad> "fardad: pong!"
140 : [12:12] <@fardad> ldchen1: ping?
141 : [12:12] <ldchen1> fardad:pong!
142 : [12:12] <ChrisCha> fardad:ping?
143 : [12:12] <@fardad> there we go...
144 : [12:12] <@fardad> ChrisCha: pong!
145 : [12:12] <@fardad> ok
146 : [12:12] <@fardad> next thing
147 : [12:13] <@fardad> as you see in a channel there are sometimes 100s of people online and this may cause lots of cross talking
148 : [12:13] <@fardad> to make sure they don't mix
149 : [12:13] <@fardad> when you are talking to someing sepecific your add their nick at the begining, like;
150 : [12:14] <@fardad> jdgrifffith: please open and type your name in the document at right top in the webpage to get identified also add your name to the public document like others
151 : [12:14] <@fardad> by doing this I just told jdgrifffith what to do, but not others
152 : [12:15] <ldchen1> hi, I try to open  this link, but it is full
153 : [12:15] <@fardad> if you have somehthing public to say, like asking for help, then of course no nick is needed or "all:" or "everyone:" is used
154 : [12:15] <@fardad> ldchen1: doe it say it is full?
155 : [12:15] <KrazyDre> lol
156 : [12:15] <ldchen1> all: yes, it's full
157 : [12:16] <jrobinson7> KrazyDre is listed in there twice
158 : [12:16] <dslessarev> troll
159 : [12:16] <daleee> lol
160 : [12:16] <@fardad> mmmmmmm!
161 : [12:16] <@fardad> damn
162 : [12:16] <@fardad> ok,
163 : [12:16] <@fardad> no problem
164 : [12:16] <KrazyDre> jrobinson:ya i refreshed it, but im still there
165 : [12:17] <@fardad> Dale,
166 : [12:17] <@fardad> sorry
167 : [12:17] <daleee> fardad: for what? :s
168 : [12:17] <@fardad> Dale, Daniel, Carey, Jose, Timothy, jeshu: please close your docuemnt so others can write their name there
169 : [12:17] <jrobinson7> KrazyDre: ahh jus thought id mention it incase it could help
170 : [12:17] <daleee> ok
171 : [12:17] <daleee> closed
172 : [12:17] <tjcatibog> fardad: done.
173 : [12:17] <daleee> someone new try
174 : [12:18] <dslessarev> fardad: close the browser?
176 : [12:18] <YDean1__> closed
177 : [12:18] <@fardad> dslessarev: yes
178 : [12:18] <dslessarev> done
179 : [12:18] <chu7> closed
180 : [12:18] <pbrown9> lwu11: You can only see other's names in the document, your own is hidden.
181 : [12:19] <KrazyDre> juanp_1982: if you have just joined, please open and type your name in the document at right top in the webpage to get identified also add your name to the public document like others
182 : [12:19] <jdgrifffith> okay, sorry so once i get the page open I just type my full name in that box?
183 : [12:19] <KrazyDre> johnny: ya and add ur name to the list
184 : [12:19] <KrazyDre> johnny: along with your team name
185 : [12:19] <juanp_1982> thanks
186 : [12:19] <dslessarev> i'd like a copy of the notes in the end though, thx
187 : [12:19] <KrazyDre> juanp: no worries
188 : [12:20] <KrazyDre> dslessarev: use the import/export on the top right of the webpage
189 : [12:20] <@fardad> I will put everything on the document and post it on wiki afterwards, don't worry
190 : [12:20] <pbrown9> dslessarev: You can use import/export to get the document afterwards.
191 : [12:20] <dslessarev> krazydre: i left though
192 : [12:20] <KrazyDre> dslessarev: oh ok, fardad said hell post it up on wiki
193 : [12:20] <pbrown9> dslessarev: You can rejoin it afterwards and grab it.
194 : [12:21] <dslessarev> pbrown9: yeh, i rejoined
195 : [12:21] <@fardad> AND please not chat on the public document, do the chat in HERE only
196 : [12:21] <KrazyDre> corss talking :D
197 : [12:22] <pbrown9> Don't talk to eachother in person either, it's not fair to us eavesdroppers.
198 : [12:22] <@fardad> KrazyDre: don't laugh at it, fix it :)
199 : [12:22] <dslessarev> krazydre: lol
200 : [12:22] <@fardad> next rule of IRC lectures
201 : [12:22] <KrazyDre> fardard: oh no way, i didn't think i could:P
202 : [12:22] <@fardad> and chating
203 : [12:23] <jdgrifffith> sorry, how do you private message someone again?
204 : [12:23] <daleee> jdgrifffith: /msg username msg
205 : [12:23] <@fardad> when you want to talk about your self type /me whatever and /me will be replaced with your nick
206 : [12:23] <@fardad> try it
207 : [12:23] <wsong18> ping ldchen1
208 : [12:23] <ChrisCha> chrischa: selftest
209 : [12:24] <@fardad> wsong18: it is not ping ldchen1, it is "ldchen1: ping?"
210 : [12:24] <KrazyDre> pbrown: lies
211 : [12:24] <KrazyDre> |^^LOL
212 : [12:25] <ldchen1> wsong18:pong
213 : [12:25] <@fardad> and that least to next topic
214 : [12:25] <@fardad> s/least/leads
215 : [12:25] <wsong18> thanks, I got it.
216 : [12:25] <dslessarev> fardad: sorry what is this format s/least/leads
217 : [12:25] <daleee> dslessarev: its search/replace in unix/linux
218 : [12:25] <wsong18> ldchen1:ping?
219 : [12:27] <@fardad> when you are in an IRC lecture where a channel is temporarily dedicated to it, every now and then acknowledge the lecturer by dorping an "OK" , or "got it" ,etc
220 : [12:27] <@fardad> this shows your presence
221 : [12:27] <@fardad> ok?
222 : [12:27] <dslessarev> got it
223 : [12:27] <tjcatibog> OK
224 : [12:27] <jdgrifffith> yupp.
226 : [12:27] <jrobinson7> okie dokie
227 : [12:27] <daleee> shows that he isn't talking to himself :p
228 : [12:27] <YDean1__> ok
229 : [12:27] <ChrisCha> ok
230 : [12:27] <ldchen1> ok
231 : [12:27] <obogomaz> ok
232 : [12:27] <@fardad> daleee: exactly
233 : [12:27] <Marina_Y> ok
234 : [12:27] <daleee> lol
235 : [12:27] <lwu11> got it
236 : [12:27] <juanp_1982> ok
237 : [12:28] <@fardad> now
238 : [12:28] <pbrown9> okie dokie wins
239 : [12:28] <dslessarev> unlike real lectures, where u can pretend to listen :(
240 : [12:28] <daleee> lol
241 : [12:28] <pbrown9> dslessarev: tsk tsk
242 : [12:28] <dslessarev> pbrown9: not me of course :)
243 : [12:28] <@fardad> remember NOT to over do this. too many OKs will cause noise :)
244 : [12:28] <KrazyDre> got it prof
245 : [12:28] <@fardad> also
246 : [12:30] <@fardad> in a lecture
247 : [12:30] <@fardad> too many jokes or cross talking is rude and childish
248 : [12:30] <@fardad> although every now and then it is refreshing to say somehing cool, but again, don't over od it
249 : [12:30] <@fardad> s/od/do
250 : [12:30] <dslessarev> got it
251 : [12:31] <KrazyDre> vovko: if you have just joined, please open and type your name in the document at right top in the webpage to get identified also add your name to the public document like others
252 : [12:31] <@fardad> next thing
253 : [12:32] <KrazyDre> xD
254 : [12:32] <@fardad> if you have to talk to another participant of the IRC lecture, and don't want to create cross talking
255 : [12:33] <@fardad> use "/query nickname" to open a private chat and talking to him/her directly
256 : [12:33] <pbrown9> Next class you can.
257 : [12:33] <pbrown9> I'm sure you demonstrated this during the first lecture though.
258 : [12:34] <@fardad> pbrown9: that is right....
259 : [12:34] <@fardad> next one:
260 : [12:35] <@fardad> if what it being lectured needs bunch of code to be represented, do not copy and paste the code in the channel, because it is very noisy and disturbing
261 : [12:35] <@fardad> i.e: don't do this:
262 : [12:35] <@fardad> #include "iol.h"
263 : [12:35] <@fardad> #ifndef  _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS
264 : [12:35] <@fardad>   #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 1
265 : [12:35] <@fardad> #endif
266 : [12:35] <@fardad> #if IOL_PLATFORM == PLT_VCC
267 : [12:35] <@fardad> #include <windows.h>
268 : [12:35] <@fardad> #include <conio.h>
269 : [12:35] <@fardad> HANDLE consh;
270 : [12:36] <@fardad> CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO bufinfo;
271 : [12:36] <@fardad> void iol_init(void){
272 : [12:36] <@fardad> instead do this:
273 : [12:36] <dslessarev> holy spam
274 : [12:36] <daleee> lol
275 : [12:37] <@fardad> here is the code for iol.c
276 : [12:37] <@fardad>
277 : [12:38] <@fardad> use services like patebin to pass around text
278 : [12:38] <juanp_1982> anyone in here?
279 : [12:39] <@fardad> got it?
280 : [12:39] <daleee> yes
281 : [12:39] <ChrisCha> ok
283 : [12:39] <@fardad> juanp_1982: what do you mean?
284 : [12:39] <Marina_Y> got it
285 : [12:39] <ldchen1> yes
286 : [12:39] <YDean1> yep
287 : [12:39] <juanp_1982> i mean that i didn't see any message for over 8 minutes...
288 : [12:39] <juanp_1982> :-(
289 : [12:39] <pbrown9> juanp1982: Only mentally.
290 : [12:40] <juanp_1982> ok
291 : [12:40] <@fardad> which brings us to next topic
292 : [12:40] <lwu11> ok
293 : [12:41] <@fardad> Understand that IRC meetings and lectures are much more slow than face to face meetings and lectures
294 : [12:41] <@fardad> so you must be patient
295 : [12:41] <@fardad> but in return, irc lectures and meetings are never forgotten because they are "by nature" documented and can be reviewed verly easily
296 : [12:42] <@fardad> which brings us to next topic:
297 : [12:42] <@fardad> if you have to post a url in the channel and it is too long like;
298 : [12:42] <@fardad>
299 : [12:42] <@fardad> instead
300 : [12:42] <@fardad> do this
301 : [12:43] <dslessarev> tinyurl lol ?
302 : [12:43] <daleee> or
303 : [12:43] <@fardad>
304 : [12:43] <@fardad> use services like to shorten the url
305 : [12:43] <@fardad> by the way
306 : [12:44] <@fardad> the link is sent, is the log of todays meeting on my server
307 : [12:44] <@fardad> s/the link is sent,/the link sent,
308 : [12:45] <@fardad> is everyone with me?
309 : [12:45] <dslessarev> so far
311 : [12:45] <Marina_Y> here
312 : [12:45] <daleee> yes
313 : [12:45] <jrobinson7> yup yup
314 : [12:45] <juanp_1982> yes
315 : [12:45] <chu7> yah
316 : [12:45] <YDean1> ya
317 : [12:45] <obogomaz> still here
318 : [12:45] <ChrisCha> Yes
319 : [12:46] <tjcatibog> yep
320 : [12:46] <@fardad> and the rest are sleeping
321 : [12:46] <dslessarev> :)
322 : [12:46] <jrobinson7> wish i was too
323 : [12:46] <lwu11> Yes
324 : [12:47] <pbrown9> I'm avidly paying attention.
325 : [12:47] <ldchen1> do you mean we need to go to this website
326 : [12:47] <daleee> ldchen1: only if you want to shorten a url which is very long
327 : [12:47] <wsong18> yes
328 : [12:47] <pbrown9> ldchen1: if you want to post a super long url, tinyurl will shorten it for you. You post the url in there and it'll create a redirect to it.
329 : [12:48] <@fardad> ldchen1: if you have a url that is too long, you can enter it there and it will give you a link to shorten your url by redirecting
330 : [12:48] <@fardad> :)
331 : [12:48] <@fardad> yes
332 : [12:48] <@fardad> now
333 : [12:48] <ldchen1> pbrown9: thanks
334 : [12:48] <@fardad> ldchen1: shorten the url of seneca website and paste the link here :)
335 : [12:49] <@fardad> so far, these were what I could recal about IRC meetings
336 : [12:50] <@fardad> now we are going to take a 5 minute break and continue afterwards
337 : [12:50] <KrazyDre> lol
338 : [12:50] <@fardad> see you at 12:57
339 : [12:50] <ChrisCha> d:-)
340 : [12:50] <pbrown9> Sounds to me like sandwich time.
341 : [12:51] <YDean1> cool
342 : [12:51] <ChrisCha> +!
343 : [12:51] <dslessarev> peanut butter jelly time!
344 : [12:51] <ldchen1> the url for wiki home:
345 : [12:52] <dslessarev> ldchen1: right on
346 : [12:52] <ChrisCha> still nobody comes in Team D :P
347 : [12:55] <KrazyDre> ChrisCha: lool
348 : [12:56] <ChrisCha> :D
349 : [12:57] <pbrown9> I bet I'm the only one that got a sandwich. :o
350 : [12:57] <pbrown9> Your sandwich has beaten my sandwich.
351 : [12:57] <jdgrifffith> lol.
352 : [12:57] <dslessarev> :O its 12:57
353 : [12:58] <KrazyDre> pbrown: lool, whatd u have?
354 : [12:58] <pbrown9> Cheese whiz
355 : [12:58] <@fardad_afk> hello all
356 : [12:58] <dslessarev> wb
357 : [12:58] <KrazyDre> u kno u waantt it
358 : [12:58] <@fardad_afk> ok everyone
359 : [12:58] <daleee> im so hungry omnomnomnom
361 : [12:59] <@fardad> daleee: 30 more minutes and you can eat all you want
362 : [12:59] <ChrisCha> dalee: either I
363 : [12:59] <daleee> lol okay
364 : [12:59] <daleee> :p
365 : [12:59] <@fardad> ok
366 : [12:59] <@fardad> an about your first assignment that is due tomorrow noon :)
367 : [12:59] <dslessarev> -_-
368 : [13:00] <KrazyDre> dang
370 : [13:00] <ldchen1> but we do not have svn account
371 : [13:00] <KrazyDre> i dont have school tom :@
372 : [13:00] <daleee> lol
373 : [13:00] <@fardad> I just (an hour ago) recieved your svn accounts
374 : [13:00] <lwu11> Can you send us svn account
376 : [13:00] <pbrown9> Awesome.
377 : [13:01] <@fardad> and I will send them to you in next hour or so, so check your email
378 : [13:01] <KrazyDre> suhweet
380 : [13:01] <@fardad> and I will extend the due date to thursday so all those not attending this meeting have time to review it
381 : [13:01] <daleee> fardad: what are the 'C text files' we got to upload to our SVN?
382 : [13:01] <lwu11> Thanks
383 : [13:02] <dslessarev> so thursday?
384 : [13:03] <KrazyDre> tjcatibog: if you have just joined, please open and type your name in the document at right top in the webpage to get identified also add your name to the public document like others
385 : [13:03] <dslessarev> KrazyDre: u're a bot :P
386 : [13:03] <tjcatibog> KrazyDre: got disconnected, but thanks anyway
387 : [13:04] <pbrown9> Yeah, look at the time. KrazyDre is definitely cheating with a bot.
388 : [13:04] <KrazyDre> lmao
389 : [13:04] <KrazyDre> yall r haters
390 : [13:04] <@fardad> ok "cross talk" remember?
391 : [13:04] <daleee> lol
392 : [13:05] <KrazyDre> fardad: what do you mean by Checkout, update, commit
393 : [13:05] <KrazyDre> ?
394 : [13:05] <@fardad> For the svn there is a dir sturcture that you have to create
395 : [13:05] <@fardad> I will create the initial ones for you but you should create the rest yourself
396 : [13:06] <@fardad> it the root of your svn I will create 3 dir (listen carefuly for your quiz on friday)
397 : [13:06] <@fardad> 1- Trunk:
398 : [13:06] <@fardad> What is trunk for?
399 : [13:06] <KrazyDre> YDean1: Checkout, update, commit
400 : [13:06] <KrazyDre> damn
401 : [13:06] <daleee> lol
402 : [13:07] <KrazyDre> YDean1: if you have just joined, please open and type your name in the document at right top in the webpage to get identified also add your name to the public document like others
403 : [13:07] <@fardad> 1- Trunk:
404 : [13:07] <@fardad> What is trunk for?
405 : [13:07] <KrazyDre> fardad: base of the directory?
406 : [13:07] <jdgrifffith> the final product?
407 : [13:07] <dslessarev> trunk is for storing ur working compilable version
408 : [13:07] <ChrisCha> current working directory
410 : [13:07] <@fardad> well, it is the last successful compilable version of your project
411 : [13:07] <pbrown9> The trunk is the most up to date working copy of the (in this case) program. It has to be made sure to compile.
412 : [13:07] <dslessarev> eh, sry, not storing
413 : [13:07] <@fardad> dslessarev: yes
414 : [13:08] <@fardad> so, there should not be any directories of any kind in thre
415 : [13:08] <@fardad> trunk is the root of your project
416 : [13:08] <@fardad> 2 tags:
417 : [13:08] <@fardad> what is tags for?
418 : [13:09] <jdgrifffith> to store the versions of your program?
419 : [13:09] <jrobinson7> fardad: successful trunk files
420 : [13:09] <dslessarev> fardad: snapshots of working versions from various points in time
421 : [13:09] <YDean1> snapshots of success
423 : [13:09] <daleee> successful snapshots
424 : [13:09] <@fardad> all: exactly
425 : [13:09] <@fardad> and what your see will be :
426 : [13:09] <@fardad> lots of prjx.xx
427 : [13:10] <@fardad> prj0.1, prj0.11 and so on
428 : [13:11] <@fardad> when I say, prj0.1 is due, it means when you think it is done, you branch (copy) the trunk (that is the successful compilable verion of your project) into prj0.1 in tags for me to mark
429 : [13:11] <@fardad> now if after branching in tag you notice, more things are needed
430 : [13:11] <@fardad> you branch a new one in tag after that under prj0.11, prj.0.12 and so on
431 : [13:12] <@fardad> at marking time, I will mark the latest release of your milestone (milestone is another name for a dir in tags)
432 : [13:12] <@fardad> are we ok?
433 : [13:12] <daleee> yup
434 : [13:13] <ChrisCha> ok!
435 : [13:13] <KrazyDre> comprende
436 : [13:13] <Marina_Y> ok
437 : [13:13] <tjcatibog> ok
438 : [13:13] <chu7> ok
439 : [13:13] <@fardad> ok,
440 : [13:13] <YDean1> ok
441 : [13:13] <ldchen1> ok
442 : [13:13] <@fardad> 3 branches.
443 : [13:13] <@fardad> and what is branches for?
445 : [13:13] <dslessarev> fardad: its ur workspace, to work on the program
446 : [13:13] <@fardad> dslessarev: exactly
447 : [13:14] <@fardad> sometimes people call it as sandbox
448 : [13:14] <@fardad> :)
449 : [13:14] <@fardad> but mostly it is called a directory to keep "workspaces" in
450 : [13:14] <@fardad> or
451 : [13:15] <@fardad> simply the place for individual developers (or even in larger scales) and teams work on different copies of trunk
452 : [13:15] <@fardad> so
453 : [13:15] <@fardad> esentially, what you do is this:
454 : [13:16] <@fardad> in branches:
455 : [13:16] <@fardad> first you create a dir under your learn id
456 : [13:16] <@fardad> learn id: Seneca email id
457 : [13:17] <@fardad> then you branch a copy of trunk into your "learnid" dir under a name that relates to the goal that workspace was made for:
458 : [13:17] <@fardad> if you are working on iolib linux platfrom:
459 : [13:17] <@fardad> for example
460 : [13:17] <@fardad> and good name will be: iolibLNX
461 : [13:18] <@fardad> so the path for it would be: (if I am a student and my learn id is fsoleima)
462 : [13:18] <@fardad> reporoot/branches/fsoleima/iolbLNX
463 : [13:18] <@fardad> this action is called "branching trunk into a workspace"
464 : [13:19] <pbrown9> aye
465 : [13:19] <ChrisCha> so you mena   svn/brances/myseneid/iolbLNX/source files     is right?
466 : [13:19] <KrazyDre> all of this is on typewith me ;)
467 : [13:19] <KrazyDre> **All:
469 : [13:21] <@fardad> this dir "iolibLNX" is for fsoleima to work on trunk without getting worried to make trunk unusable for others
470 : [13:21] <@fardad> then iolibLNX is done by "fsoleima" and the linux platform is complete and working,
471 : [13:22] <@fardad> fsoleima will "merge" back the "iolibLNX" into trunk
472 : [13:23] <@fardad> merging is done in these steps:
473 : [13:23] <@fardad> 1- trunk is updated (so it will have all the changes others made)
474 : [13:24] <@fardad> 2- iolibLNX is tested for merge to make sure there is no major problems with it
477 : [13:25] <@fardad> 3- The actual merge is done and trunk is tested for errors and possible conflicts
478 : [13:25] <@fardad> 4- possible errors and conflicts are resovled (this is the only time you are allowed to directly work on trunk)
479 : [13:25] <KrazyDre> Rasinulf: let the teach teach
481 : [13:26] <@fardad> 5- trunk is tested again and made sure it is compilable and working
482 : [13:26] <@fardad> 6- trunk is commited back to repository
483 : [13:26] <@fardad> 7 - if conflicts happen, go back to 4
484 : [13:27] <@fardad> 8- trunk is branched into tags
488 : [13:28] <@fardad> so in other words:
489 : [13:28] <@fardad> Trunk is always in compiled state and the latest "major" success is always taged
490 : [13:28] <@fardad> Any question people?
491 : [13:28] <daleee> nopw
492 : [13:29] <tjcatibog> none that I can think of at the moment
493 : [13:29] <jrobinson7> im good
494 : [13:30] <@fardad> ok everyone, this is it for today, i will post these notes and you have a quiz on it on friday....
495 : [13:30] <daleee> okay
496 : [13:30] <daleee> thanks
497 : [13:30] <daleee> classtime bye all
499 : [13:30] <YDean1> did we get the svn accounts
500 : [13:30] <KrazyDre> All: see yall Friday!
502 : [13:30] <@fardad> Thanks everyone for comming and please let others now to read the notes
503 : [13:30] <jrobinson7> fardad: feel better!
504 : [13:31] <ChrisCha> I have a question for Friday quiz?
505 : [13:31] <pbrown9> He'll be back to normal and yelling at us in no time.
506 : [13:31] <obogomaz> Good day all
507 : [13:31] <@fardad> KrazyDre: thanks for helping, it is noted as big contribution for you
508 : [13:31] <Marina_Y> thanks!
509 : [13:31] <tjcatibog> all: goodbye
510 : [13:31] <YDean1> quit