Add support for more compilers to distcc
Project Name
Add support for more compilers to distcc
Project Description
An earlier project added multi-compiler support to distcc, and then MSVC support. The framework is now in place to support even more compilers. Add support for another compiler; either Java or C#.
Necessary Skills: C, Python, Makefile
Project Leader(s)
Project Contributor(s)
Once the 0.1 release is complete, testers will be needed to try compiling. In the mean time, contributors could write simple C# programs to be used later.
Project Details
Goal for 0.1 Release
- Add support for Mono's cSharp compiler. By the 0.1 release, Distcc should be able to at least compile C# locally. While the earlier work done on Distcc With MSVC suggests that only a hand-full of functions need to be coded in order for it to add a new compiler, both Java and C# compile in a manner significantly different than C. This will likely cause some trouble shortly...regardless, the following functions are the minimum which need to be created:
- arg.c
- dcc_<compilerName>_set_action_opt
- dcc_<compilerName>_set_output
- dcc_<compilerName>_scan_args
- strip.c
- dcc_<compilerName>_strip_local_args
- dcc_<compilerName>_strip_dasho
- filename.c
- dcc_<compilerName>_is_source
- dcc_<compilerName>_is_preprocessed
- dcc_<compilerName>_is_object
- dcc_<compilerName>_preproc_exten
- hosts.c
- dcc_<compilerName>_get_hostlist