GPU621/DPS921 Student List 20177
GPU621/DPS921 | Participants | Groups and Projects | Resources | Glossary
Please add your information to the student list below!
Student List
Insert the following at the end of the table (if you are a student in GPU621/DPS921).
|[[User:WN | FN]] ||LN|| [[PN |GN]] ||SB|| [ ID] |-
Replace the following with your own information:
- WN: Your Wiki User name
- FN: Your First Name
- LN: Your Last Name
- PN: Your Group's Project Page Name on the wiki
- GN: Your Group name
- SB: Your Subject(example: DPS921)
- ID: Your email ID (myseneca id)
First Name | Last Name | Team Name | Subject | Seneca Id |
Chris | Szalwinski | Team Name | DPS921 | chris.szalwinski |
Chris | Szalwinski | Team Name | DPS921 | chris.szalwinski |
Henrique | Coelho | Team Hortons | GPU621 | hsalvadoricoelho |
Matthew | Welke | Team Hortons | GPU621 | mswelke |
Olga | Belavina | Team Hortons | GPU621 | obelavina |
Orlandson | Asturiano | Team Name | GPU621 | oasturiano1 |
Leonel | Jara | Team Name | GPU621 | lejara |
Sofia | Ngo-Trong | Team Name | GPU621 | xngo-trong |
Martin | Ristov | Team Name | DPS921 | mristov1 |
Marko | Radmanovic | Team Name | DPS921 | mradmanovic |
Eric | Ferguson | Team Name | GPU621 | egferguson |
Aaron | Scott | Team Name | GPU621 | arcott |
Harika | Naidu | Team Name | DPS921 | hnaidu |
Johann | Aleman | Team Name | GPU621 | jcaleman |
Jagmeet | Bhamber | Team Name | DPS921 | jsbhamber2 |
Giorgi | Osadze | Team Name | GPU621 | gosadze |
Shlok | Purani | Team Name | GPU621 | srpurani |
Suhaib | Saqib | Team Name | DPS921 | ssaqib1 |
Rosario A. | Cali | Team Name | DPS921 | racali |