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GPU621/DPS921 Student List 20177

GPU621/DPS921 | Participants | Groups and Projects | Resources | Glossary

Please add your information to the student list below!

Student List

Insert the following at the end of the table (if you are a student in GPU621/DPS921).

|[[User:WN | FN]] ||LN|| [[PN |GN]] ||SB|| [ ID]

Replace the following with your own information:

  • WN: Your Wiki User name
  • FN: Your First Name
  • LN: Your Last Name
  • PN: Your Group's Project Page Name on the wiki
  • GN: Your Group name
  • SB: Your Subject(example: DPS921)
  • ID: Your email ID (myseneca id)
GPU621/DPS921 - Student List
First Name Last Name Team Name Subject Seneca Id
Chris Szalwinski Team Name DPS921 chris.szalwinski
Chris Szalwinski Team Name DPS921 chris.szalwinski
Henrique Coelho Team Hortons GPU621 hsalvadoricoelho
Matthew Welke Team Hortons GPU621 mswelke
Orlandson Asturiano Team Name GPU621 oasturiano1