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OPS335 Assignment 2 - Murray Saul

Revision as of 05:53, 15 January 2017 by Msaul (talk | contribs) (Assignment Submission)

General Information

Weight: 10% of the overall grade

Due Date: Week 13 (in class evaluation and submission script)

Assignment Requirements

In this assignment you will set up a Linux file server on a new virtual machine and configure it to be accessible by specific users on a Windows workstation.

File server

  • Your file server must be cloned from the cloning source machine you created in Assignment 1.
  • Call your file server hostname: and register that in your DNS server (from Assignment 1).
  • It will run Samba (automatically on boot) to share files with Windows. You may reuse the Windows installation from the lab or create a new one for the assignment.
  • Create five new users on the file server, call them yoursenecaid-1, yoursenecaid-2, yoursenecaid-3, yoursenecaid-4, yoursenecaid-admin. (replace "yoursenecaid" with your actual Seneca ID)
  • Create a directory /documents with the following subdirectories:
├── private
│   ├── yoursenecaid-1
│   ├── yoursenecaid-2
│   ├── yoursenecaid-3
│   ├── yoursenecaid-4
│   └── yoursenecaid-admin
└── shared
    ├── readonly
    └── readwrite
  • Set up permissions/ownership on those directories for your Linux users on the file server so that:
    • yoursenecaid-1 through yoursenecaid-4 have read/write access to their own private directories.
    • yoursenecaid-admin has read/write access to every directory.
    • Everyone has read access to the readonly directory (but only the admin has write access too).
    • Everyone can both read and write to the readwrite directory.
  • Set up five Samba users to mirror your new Linux users.
  • Configure seven shares (one for each directory above) with permissions as close as possible to the Linux permissions.

Windows Client

  • Create the same five users in your Windows virtual machine as your Samba shares.
  • Test to make sure that the correct users have the correct access to the correct shares.

Assignment Submission

  • Submission Requirements:
  • In class demonstration of Samba share functionality from Windows machine. It is the responsibility of the student to demonstrate all aspects of functionality (i.e. do not ask instructor for assistance or direction).
  • Email sent to (subject: OPS335 Assignment2) with zipped file containing:
    • Screenshots to demonstrate you have accomplished the required tasks for this assignment.
    • configuration files
    • service statuses

ADDITIONAL NOTES (Applies to both instructors):

  • You MUST take screenshots of the ENTIRE screen as opposed to only the VM console.
  • If you are unable to show that you've completed all the assignment requirements and everything works properly using screenshots, you will not receive marks for those sections.