GAM531/DPS931Student List 20167

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Revision as of 11:18, 8 November 2016 by Jayme (talk | contribs) (Student List: Removed self from Team Gryphon. Added Tom to Team Gryphon.)
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Game Engine Foundations

GAM531/DPS931 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources

Please add your information to the student list below!

Student List

Insert the following at the end of the table (if you are a student in GAM531/DPS931).

|[[User:WN | FN]] ||LN|| [[PN |GN]] ||SB|| [ ID]

Replace the following with your own information:

  • WN: Your Wiki User name
  • FN: Your First Name
  • LN: Your Last Name
  • PN: Your Group's Project Page Name on the wiki
  • GN: Your Group name
  • SB: Your Subject (example: GAM531 or DPS931)
  • ID: Your email ID (myseneca id)
  • BB: Your bitbucket account
GAM531/DPS931 - Student List
First Name Last Name Team Name Subject Seneca Id Bit Bucket
Joseph Hughes Team Name GAM531 LSS_CloudScorpion
Chris Szalwinski Team Name DPS931 chris.szalwinski cszalwinski
Colin Paul WalkTime Error DPS931 cpaul12 jesterset
Jude Boaz RawpiJoodMerko DPS931 jboaz judeboaz
Jayme Laso-Barros Team Name GAM531 jlaso-barros Jayme_LB
Tom Ng Gryphon GAM531 tng23 normman
Miguel Dizon Gryphon GAM531 madizon miged
Kartik Nagarajan WalkTime Error DPS931 knagarajan1 kartikn
Andrey Bykin .product GAM531 abykin AndreyBykin
Austin Ritter 1337 DPS931 arritter Austin-Ritter
Yanhao Lei .product GAM531 ylei11 Tsubame_
Mitchell Zigman Installation Wizards GAM531 mzigman mzigman
John James Applicable GAM531 Jejames1 JohnEJames
Adam Pucciano WalkTime Error DPS931 aspucciano Pooch11
Olga Arsenieva .product GAM531 oarsenieva oarsenieva
Marko Radmanovic RawpiJoodMerko DPS931 mradmanovic Marko_R_
Christian Suhadi Team Name GAM531 cdsuhadi CDarrenS
Darren Laser Team Name GAM531 dlaser dlaser
Adam Arruda 1337 DPS931 amarruda1 AdamArruda
Matthew Bell Installation Wizards GAM531 mdbell mdbell
Dang Khue Tran Applicable GAM531 dktran1 dangkhue27
Maya Filipp The Fighting Mongooses DPS931 mfilipp2 M0rdax
Huachen Li 3 Sunken Men GAM531 hli206 Shadeb
Moonsung Kim Team Name GAM531 mdkim asklu
Andy Cooc Applicable GAM531 acooc acooc
John Le 3 Sunken Men GAM531 jle11 Ilovemeat
Rafi George RawpiJoodMerko DPS931 rgeorge10 RAFIHAYTHAM1996
Mike Doherty Sample name GAM531 msdoherty msdoherty
David Runco ?? DPS931 drunco1 runco
Hassan Alazawi 3 Sunken Men GAM531 halazawi HassanAl
Kyle Klerks The Fighting Mongooses GAM531 kklerks kklerks