Sample Bash script for extracting Domain Registration wiki page Domainreg and create a root zone file.
#!/bin/bash # Created by: Raymond Chan # for OPS535 # (c) 2016 - update for new wiki site url= if [ ! -f raw.txt ] then echo "Gettting wiki file from the web ..." >&2 wget -O raw.txt $url fi buffer=$(cat raw.txt| grep ^'<td>') nl=$(echo "$buffer"|wc -l) a=0 b=6 while [ $a -lt $nl ] do stuff=$(echo "$buffer"| head -"$b" | tail -5|nl|sed -e "s/<td>/x/g") # echo "$stuff" fields=$(echo "$stuff"|sed -e "s/ //g"|awk -Fx {'print $2'}) parameters=$(echo $fields) cc=$(echo $parameters | wc -w) # echo "paratest cc is $cc" if [ "$cc" -gt 0 ] then #echo $a $parameters #read yyy set $parameters if [ "$1" != "domainname" ] then if [ "$1" != "" -a "$3" != "" -a "$4" != "" ] then echo -e "${1}. \tIN \tNS \t$4." echo -e "${4}. \tIN \tA \t$3" echo " " fi fi fi let a=a+6 let b=b+6 #read xxx done