MAP524/DPS924 Weekly Schedule
Week | Objectives and Tasks | Notes | Graded work |
Week 1: 12,15 January |
Lecture 1 | Lab 1 |
Week 2: 19,22 January |
Introduction (continued):
Lecture 2 | Lab 2 |
Week 3: 26,29 January |
Android Development Building Blocks
Lecture 3 | Lab 3 |
Week 4: 2, 5 February |
Basic views:
Lecture 4 | Lab 4 |
Week 5: 9, 12 February |
More complex views:
Lecture 5 | Lab 5 |
Week 6: 16, 19 February |
Lecture 6 | Lab 6 |
Week 7: 23, 26 February |
Lecture 7 | Test review |
Study Week 29 Feb - 6 March |
Assignment1 | ||
Week 8: 8, 11 March |
Evaluation week | Lab 7 Midterm Test |
Week 9: 15, 18 March |
Content providers | Lecture 8 | Lab 8 |
Week 10: 22 March (Friday the 25th is a holiday) |
Location services
Lecture 9 | Lab 9 |
Week 11: 29 March, 1 April |
Services Broadcast receivers Messaging:
Lecture 10 | Lab 10 |
Week 12: 5, 8 April |
Assignment2 |
Week 13: 12, 15 April |
Publishing | Lecture 12 | Exam review |
Exam Week: 18 - 22 April |