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CDOT Winter 2016 Weekly Presentation Schedule

Revision as of 13:01, 17 February 2016 by Andy Cooc (talk | contribs) (Presentation Dates)
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This page is for internal CDOT presentations
These presentations are not meant for the public. Please see the main CDOT page for more information.

Weekly presentations for Winter 2016 are recommencing! Presentations will happen at 12:00 PM on Wednesdays in room T1009 (the large presentation room). There will be one longer presentation each week, and all CDOT members will have to present once.

Presentations should be 20-30 minutes and will include a Q & A session afterwards.

Presentation topics should be based on an aspect of your current project that you yourself helped to build, fix, maintain, improve, solve, etc.

If you need any special adapters to connect your laptop or other devices, ask Chris Tyler or Dawn Mercer.


Presentation Dates

Date Presenter
2016-02-03 Maxim (BBB)
2016-02-10 Danny (BBB)
2016-02-17 Michael (LEAP)
2016-02-24 Justin (DevOps)
2016-03-02 Oleksander (BBB)
2016-03-09 Glaser (LEAP)
2016-03-16 Andy (DevOps)
2016-03-23 Chris Tyler (OSTEP)
2016-03-30 Eric (LEAP)
2016-04-06 Jae (DevOps)
2016-04-13 Unscheduled
2016-04-20 Unscheduled
2016-04-27 Unscheduled