SPO600 Framework Project
Who's Doing What
The driver for each piece is in bold. Please don't be confined by this list -- contribute to any section as you see fit.
- Config file format - Miguel, Andy, Shirwa
- Initial option lists for config file - James, Andy
- Config file parser - Gaurav, Miguel, Shirwa
- Permute test cases - Ramanan, Donald
- Build - Yehoshua, Jayme, Nitish
- Test (Sanity Check/Successful Build Test) - Nitish, Dmytro, Ramanan
- Benchmark - Jayme, Yehoshua, Nitish
- Analysis tools/reporting - Kirill, Gaurav
- Code wrangler/git repo maintainer/QA - Joel, Jayme, James
- Inter-module API Coordination - Donald, Kirill, Dmytro
- Top-level bash script - Chris Tyler
API Specifications
(Please add!)
GitHub Repository
Here's the link to the Github repo: SPO600-Build-Framework
Config file name: ./monkeys10k.config
Instructions for Submitting a Pull Request
(Please add!)