Lab 2 Warnings / Debrief

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Preparing for Lab 2

Purpose / Objectives of Lab2

The c7host Linux server will run virtualization software to install and run 3 virtual machines (installed in lab2).

In this lab, you will create three virtual machines. This also gives you an opportunity to experiment with different ways of installing CentOS.

Main Objectives

  • Installing Virtualization Software on your c7host machine
  • Create 3 separate VMs (virtual machines) using different installation methods:
  • Centos Live DVDInstallation (Hostname: centos1)
  • Network Installation without configuration file (Hostname: centos2)
  • Network Installation with Kickstart file (Hostname: centos3)
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type of installation, and be able to select the best installation method for a particular situation.
  • Manipulate virtual machines by CLI (virsh)
  • Properly backup VMs and VM configuration in virtual manager application onto home directory and to external source (USB Key)
  • Observe how Bash Shell Scripting can be used to automate routine tasks involving VM management

Common Mistakes / Warnings

Be Aware of the Following Issues
Be aware of these common mistakes that students make that can cause problems for their future labs.
  • Use comparison chart on lab2 logbook to record your findings as you install each VM.
  • After using the yum install command to install the virtualization software, you MUST issue commands to start the virtulatization service and restart the firewall!
  • Best to start the virtual Manager by menu instead of command line (i.e. Applications > System Tools > Virtual Machine Manager)

  • FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY in terms of hard disk sizes, image pathnames, RAM size, etc! Not following instructions can lead to removing VM and starting again.

  • If need to start-over, you can right-click on VM in Virtual Machine Manager, and remove (Make certain "delete files" is also selected, so you can re-use VM name).
  • Installation of centos2 and centos3 can only be performed at college since it uses internal Belmont network!
  • Make certain to do following for EACH Virtual Machine:
    • Start ssh service
    • Create firewall exception to allow ssh traffic for ssh (iptables)
    • Disable SElinux

Preparing for Lab Sign-Off

Students should be prepared with all required commands (system information) displayed in a terminal (or multiple terminals) prior to calling the instructor for signoff.

In order to properly complete your lab and move to the next lab, you must have your instructor "sign-off" on your lab

  • Each "signed-off" lab (before due date) is worth 1% of your final grade.
  • Signing-off on labs help to spot errors that can cause problems with future labs.
  • Do you ask the instructor what to check for! Read at the bottom of the lab the requirements, and have all proof available for instructor to view at same time.
  • Failing to be prepared and asking instructor what to check when assignment is mark will result in deduct of marks!
  • For example, open multiple terminals with command results. If properly set-up ahead of sign-off, the process should only take instructor approx 20 seconds to sign-off your lab.
  • If you do not have your lab-logbook, you MUST show your work and your lab log-book to your instructor for sign-off in the next class. This may cause a late penalty if past the required due date.

Lab 2 Debrief