OPS235 Short-Term
Current Semester (Summer 2015)
- LAB 1 - Installing NON-GUI version of Linux OS: A lot of students ran into the same problem with lab 1, that is they didn't pay close enough attention to the instructions and installed the OS without a GUI. But that is no flaw in your wiki, just the tendency of students to rush through things. I have done my best to enforce that they should read all the instructions carefully BEFORE they start on the labs.
- LAB2 - Backup Script demo: Current VM backup script should also allow for backing up xml configuration files.
- LAB - LVM: Current VM backup script does not factor in virtual hard drive images. May be a good idea to add this to the backup script, so students can be encouraged to run backup scripts.
Previous Semesters
- Winter 2015: OPS235 - Short-term - Older Issues