Lab1 Shell Script Demo
- !/bin/bash
- report.bash
- Author: Murray Saul
- Date: January 16, 2015
- Purpose: To present sysadmin to create an software inventory
- report containing selected elements
- Check to see if logged in as root to be able to create file
- in /root/ directory...
if [ $USER != "root" ] then
echo "You must be logged in as root to run the command." echo "Either login as root or issue command \"sudo ./report1.bash\"" exit 1
- Create report title
echo "SOFTWARE ASSET REPORT FOR INSTALLED LINUX SYSTEM" > /root/report.txt echo "Date: $(date +'%A %B %d, %Y (%H:%M:%p)')" >> /root/report.txt echo >> /root/report.txt
- Using zenity (dialog box constructor)
- Prompts user for elements to be included in the report...
- Activated check box returns values (multiple values | symbol )...
items=$(zenity --height 320 --width 290 --text "Please select elements\nthat you want to display in report:\n" --list --checklist --column "Session Type" --column "Description" TRUE "Kernel" TRUE "Processes" TRUE "Hostname" FALSE "Network" FALSE "Routing")
- Replace pipe "|" with space, and store as positional parameters
set $(echo $items | sed "s/|/ /g")
echo $* for x # Run loop for each positional parameter to launch application do
if [ "$x" = "Kernel" ] # Add Kernel Version to report then echo "Kernel Version: $(uname -rv)" >> /root/report.txt echo >> /root/report.txt fi
if [ "$x" = "Processes" ] # Add Kernel Version to report then echo "Process Information:" >> /root/report.txt echo >> /root/report.txt ps -ef >> /root/report.txt echo >> /root/report.txt fi
if [ "$x" = "Hostname" ] # Add Kernel Version to report then echo "Hostname: $(hostname)" >> /root/report.txt echo >> /root/report.txt fi
if [ "$x" = "Network" ] # Add Kernel Version to report then echo "Network Interface Information:" >> /root/report.txt echo >> /root/report.txt ifconfig >> /root/report.txt echo >> /root/report.txt fi
if [ "$x" = "Routing" ] # Add Kernel Version to report then echo "Routing information:" >> /root/report.txt echo >> /root/report.txt route -n >> /root/report.txt echo >> /root/report.txt fi
echo echo "Report has been saved in /root/report.txt" zenity --info --text "Report has been saved in /root/report.txt\n\nHave a Nice Day..."
- End of Bash Shell Script