Run Junit Tests For Non Default SQL Adapter

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By default, NexJ Express Unit tests are configured to test the MySQL Adapter.
The instructions that follow outline instructions for configuring Unit tests to be run for other SQL Adapters.
For this manual, reference will be made to the PostgreSQL Adapter but it will work the same for other adapters


  1. The following files must exist for the new SQL Adapter:
    1. src folder
      nexj.core.persistence.sql.[DbName] extending nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLAdapter
      nexj.core.persistence.sql.[DbName] extending nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLSchemaManager
    2. test folder
      nexj.core.persistence.sql.[DbName] extending nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLAdapterTest
      nexj.core.persistence.sql.[DbName] extending nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLSchemaManagerTest
  2. The following files should be edited and entries for the new SQL Adapter added:

For postgreSQL see NexJ_Express_Connecting_to_PostgreSQL


The following will configure the unit tests to run for [DbName]SQLAdapter and [DbName]SQLSchemaManager

Environment/Connection Files

These files are located in the test source folder in the package nexj

  1. Edit the files: default.config, filestorage.connections, filestoragefragment.connections
    1. In the DataSourceConnections elemement
    2. Change all occurrences of adapter="MySQL" to adapter="DbName"
    3. Change all occurrences of port="3306" to the port on which the new DbName is configured to accept connections
      For the PostgreSQL Adapter, the following configuration is used
  <RelationalDatabaseConnection adapter="PostgreSQL" dataSource="DefaultRelationalDatabase" database="test"
      host="localhost" password="test" port="5432" unicode="true" user="test"/>
  <RelationalDatabaseConnection adapter="PostgreSQL" dataSource="ExternalRelationalDatabase" database="test"
      host="localhost" password="test" port="5432" unicode="true" user="test"/>
  1. Create a connections file for the new adapter
    1. Create the file [DbName].connections in the nexj package in the test source folder
    2. Copy and paste the contents of mysql.connections into the new connections file
    3. In the DataSourceConnections elemement
    4. Change all occurrences of adapter="MySQL" to adapter="DbName"
    5. Change all occurrences of port="3306" to the port on which the new DbName is configured to accept connections
      For the PostgreSQL Adapter, the following configuration is used
  <RelationalDatabaseConnection adapter="PostgreSQL" dataSource="DefaultRelationalDatabase" database="test"
      host="localhost" password="test" port="5432" unicode="true" user="test"/>
  <RelationalDatabaseConnection adapter="PostgreSQL" dataSource="ExternalRelationalDatabase" database="test"
      host="localhost" password="test" port="5432" unicode="true" user="test"/>

SQL Scripts

These scripts are used to:

  • Initialize the database with test data before a unittest is run
  • Drop test tables that the unit tests create

Create the files in the package nexj.core.persistence.sql.script under the test source folder

    1. dbname_drop.sql
      • Copy and paste the contents of mysql_drop.sql into the new file
    2. dbname_insert.sql
      • Copy and paste the contents of mysql_insert.sql into the new file
      • Modify the sql script to conform to the sql syntax for the new database
      For exampe, for the PostgreSQL Adapter (9.0), modify the values for binary literals into postgresql's binary literal by changing
      0x00000000000000000000000000000001 to E'\\x00000000000000000000000000000001'
    3. dbname_upd_addr.sql
      • Copy and paste the contents of mysql_upd_addr.sql into the new file
      • Modify the script to conform to the sql syntax for the new database
    4. dbname_upd_cont.sql
      • Copy and paste the contents of mysql_upd_cont.sql into the new file
      • Modify the script to conform to the sql syntax for the new database
    5. dbname_setup.sql
      This script is used to:
      1. Create the test user with the following permissions:
        1. Username: test
        2. Password: test
        3. Full privileges for the test database
        4. Remote Login permission
      2. Create the test database with the follow specifications:
        1. Database name: test
        2. Encoding: utf-8 / unicode
        3. (*Optional) Schema Name: test

SQL Test Suite

The following will add the new unittests to the SQL test suite

  1. Edit the file and add an entry for the new SQL adapter
    For the PostgreSQL Adapter the following is added
public static Test suite()
      SQLTestSuite suite = new SQLTestSuite("Test for nexj.core.persistence.sql");

      suite.addSQLTests("nexj.core.persistence.sql.PostgreSQLAdapterTest", "nexj.core.persistence.sql.PostgreSQLSchemaManagerTest");
      return suite;

Run Unit Tests

  1. Create the test database
    Run the dbname_setup.sql script that was created above to create the test database and user
  2. Run the unit tests using Eclipse's junit test runner