Topics for Lessons Learned

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Revision as of 12:43, 14 November 2013 by Ralph Lisak (talk | contribs)
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1. Past Participants Database: systemic problem with accessing past records due to the fact that we have a new webmaster every few months. This leads to the situation where there is no proper handout of passwords and other important information.

2. No info about Early Bird on the FSOSS home page: the info is only on the registration form

3. Only one link to registration (though the button): may not be easy to find

4. Early Bird should be placed at 2 days before food/tshirt/swag order deadline: this will allow us to have a better idea about the number of attendees

5. Group registration box on the form:

6. Easier change of early bird deadline: Set the "real" early bird in the system for later than shown on the web page

7. Bent stickers in swag:

8. Committee Member Roles: once the event started, they were not very well defined

9. Registration process: lack of confirmation page (in between the page where you input all your details and the 'receipt page'. This missing page should show what details where entered, which options were selected, and what exactly will be the charge to the credit card, giving a person the chance to see and correct an error.

10. Volunteer training: It would be good to have some sort of a walk-through with them around the actual event areas, with explanations on how the registration area will be organized, where the direction signs should posted, etc.

11. Lack of consistent marketing and promotion. Very little sponsor contributions "