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Joined 2 September 2008

Varinder Singh

LUX (Ist Semester) Student at Seneca College

Blog & homepage:

Email Varinder Singh at or look for me on irc:
varinder on irc://


Linux Unix Administration (LUX)


My Project work is to add functionality to func Func: Fedora Unified Network Controller/Network Automation based yumcmd module to control remote package management tasks such as update, check_update, install & remove. The already existed yumcmd module is able to check and check_update.My project work includes to write methods such a install & remove for yumcmd module.This module will be able to install and remove packages on remote minions using the yum package manager.

e.g. we can run the following command to install package(s) with this module.

func call yumcmd install <package-name>.

and to remove the package the command would be

func call yumcmd remove <package-name>.

Ofcourse module would be able to install & remove the packages more than one minion with the single command.

to install or remove the package on all minions in a domain the command would be..

func * call yumcmd install <package-name>.

func * call yumcmd remove <package-name>