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Joined 13 September 2006

Name: Vanessa Miranda
IRC: Vanessa
Skype: giggles19




  • Simple Citation (Contributor) - Created localization files in Portugese (pt-PT).
  • Calendar stuff (Contributor) - Participated in calendar test day and filed a bug on bugzilla.
  • Firefox Performance Testing : A Python framework for Windows (Contributor) - Participated in the class Firefox Performance Testing and submitted some comments.
  • XULRunner Guide (Contributor) - Provided a link to XULRunner examples in bsmedberg's blog.
  • Unit Testing (Contributor) - Created a basic UI for the Unit Testing extension. I add a label that states how many tests have been completed and how many have failed. Added a group section where it outputs what tests have been completed and states whether they have passed or failed.

Newsgroup / Summaries:

Exercise on LXR:

Mozilla Technologies Assignment