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John Dang

Joined 13 January 2009
John Dang
Born February 15
Occupation BSD Student
Expected Graduation 2009

John Dang is a Software Developer. He enrolled in the Bachelor of Software Development (BSD) Program at Seneca College in the winter of 2006 and graduated from this program in 2009.

He was elected President of the Seneca College School of Computer Studies Windows Club for the school year 2008-2009. He implemented a structure that consisted of standards, procedures and guidelines to assist the club to plan, execute and evaluate events, and to manage and monitor member recruitment and activities.

Open Source Development

DPS909 - Topics in Open Source Development

Further information: DPS909

Course Schedule

Helpful Web Tools Platform (WTP) Tutorials

  1. Using Eclipse to Develop WTP
  2. Your First Plug-In: Developing the Eclipse "Hello World" plug-in
  3. Eclipse Plug-In Development

DPS911 - Open Source Project

Further information: DPS911

Course Schedule

Course Activities

Week Date Activity Contribution
Week 1 May 11
Week 2 May 18
  • Downloaded and Extracted/Installed both Eclipse WTP RCP/Plug-in and WTP 3.1M7
  • Produced screencast for how to get Eclipse WTP working (Jordan's written tutorial)
  • Selected Eclipse WTP Bug #241429 for term project
Week 3 May 25
  • Gave a 5 minute presentation on my experience with creating a screencast (including tools used)
  • Gave a 15 minute presentation about Eclipse WTP Bug #241429
Week 4 June 1
  • Attended other student presentations and offered valuable feedback
Week 5 June 8 N/A - away for work
Week 6 June 15
  • Worked on reproducing Eclipse WTP Bug #241429 with basic scenario
  • Worked on reproducing Eclipse WTP Bug #241429 with break-point scenario
Week 7 June 22
  • Worked on producing screencast for reproducing Eclipse WTP Bug #241429 with basic and break-point scenario
Week 8 June 29
  • Produced screencast for reproducing Eclipse WTP Bug #241429
Week 9 July 6
  • Worked on reproducing Eclipse WTP Bug #241429 with Thread.sleep method
Week 10 July 13
  • Propose two theoretical solution for Eclipse WTP Bug # 241429 (quartz job scheduling, message/disable button)
  • Give a 10 minute presentation on current project status
Week 11 July 20
  • Worked on creating Lab 1 - How to Create Your Seneca Wiki Page [beta]
Week 12 July 27
  • Worked on creating Lab 2 - How to Create Your Blog Page (WordPress) [beta]
Week 13 August 3
  • Worked on creating Lab 3 - How to Get Help on IRC [beta]
Week 14 August 10
  • Finalized written Lab 1, Lab 2, Lab 3
Week 15 August 17
  • Give a 20 minute presentation on work status and contributions

Open Source Contribution

Open Source @ Seneca

Further information: Main_Page

Pages Added

  • User:John_Dang (this page)

Pages Updated

  • User:JAnastasiade
    • implemented a Wikipedia User structure template
    • added a very brief introduction to user
    • added user online community information
    • added user image
  • User:Fardad
    • implemented a Wikipedia User structure template
    • added a very brief introduction to user
    • added user online community information
    • added user image

Apple Development

DPS913 - Foundations of Apple Application Development

Further information: DPS913A.STSY.20091

Apple Mac OS X v10.5.6

Keyboard Shortcuts
Action Mac OSX
Exit Dialog ctrl + eject
Quit All Applications and Restart ⌘ + ctrl + eject
Sleep ⌘ + opt + eject
Force Quit opt + ⌘ + esc
Log Out ⇧ + ⌘ + Q
Log Out Immediately opt + ⇧ + ⌘ + Q
Move to Trash ⌘ + Del
Empty Trash ⇧ + ⌘ + Del
Empty Trash with No Dialog opt + ⇧ + ⌘ + del
Eject ⌘ + E
Right-Click ctrl + Click
Spotlight ⌘ + spacebar
Find ⌘ + F
Hide Find ⌘ + H
Hide Others opt + ⌘ + H
Hide All Windows Except Current Window opt + ⌘ + H
Minimize Window ⌘ + M
Minimize All Windows opt + ⌘ + M
Close Window ⌘ + W
Close All Window opt + ⌘ + W
New ⌘ + N
Open ⌘ + O
Save ⌘ + S
Save As ⇧ + ⌘ + S
Print ⌘ + P
Get Info ⌘ + I
Add to Favorite/Sidebar ⌘ + T
Undo ⌘ + Z
Redo ⇧ + ⌘ + Z
Cut ⌘ + X
Copy ⌘ + C
Paste ⌘ + V
Select All ⌘ + A
View as Icons ⌘ + 1
Hide Toolbar ⌘ + B
Show View Options ⌘ + J
Back ⌘ + [
Forward ⌘ + ]
Go to My Computer ⇧ + ⌘ + C
Go to iDisk ⇧ + ⌘ + I
Go to Applications ⇧ + ⌘ + A
Go to Favorites ⇧ + ⌘ + F
Go to Folder ⇧ + ⌘ + G
Connect to Server ⌘ + K
Turn on Zoom opt + ⌘ + 8
Zoom In opt + ⌘ + '+'
Zoom Out opt + ⌘ + '-'
Negative View ctrl + opt + ⌘ + 8
FKA - Turn on Full Keyboard Access ctrl + F1
FKA - Highlight Menu ctrl + F2
FKA - Highlight Dock ctrl + F3
FKA - Highlight Window/Next Window ctrl + F4
FKA - Highlight Toolbar ctrl + F5
FKA - Highlight Utility Window ctrl + F6
Show/Hide Dock opt + ⌘ + D
Switch Application ⌘ + tab
Turn VoiceOver on/off ⌘ + F5
VoiceOver Menu ctrl + opt + F7
VoiceOver Option UtilityProxy-Connection: keep-alive

Cache-Control: max-age=0

ctrl + opt + F8
Take Picture of Screen ⇧ + ⌘ + 3
Take Picture of Selection ⇧ + ⌘ + 4
Take Picture of Screen to Clipboard ⇧ + ⌘ + 4, ctrl + select
Take Picture of Selected Window ⇧ + ⌘ + 4, spacebar


Further information: Objective-C
String Format
Symbol Display
%@ id
%% a % character
%c unsigned char as ASCII
%C unichar as Unicode
%d, %D, %i long
%e, %E, %f, %g, %G double
%hi short
%hu unsigned short
%o, %O unsigned long printed as octal
%p void *
%qi long long
%qu unsigned long long
%s char *
%S unichar *
%u, %U unsigned long
%x, %X unsigned long printed as hexadecimal

String Conversion between NSString and C strings
NSString *nsstr;
const char *cstr = "Open Source!";

// Convert a C string to a NSString
nsstr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:cstr];

// Convert a NSString to a C string
cstr  = [nsstr UTF8String];

Automatically Called Methods

Essential Objects and Their Commonly Used Methods
  • - (id)init
NSObject *newNSObject = [[NSObject alloc] init];
  • - (NSString *)description
  • NSLog(@"Open Source Account Number: %d is %@", i, accountToPrint);

    is equivalent to

    NSLog(@"Open Source Account Number: %d is %@", i, [accountToPrint description]);
  • - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)that
  • // compares the logic written in the isEqual methods
    if ([this isEqual:that]) { ... }

    may not be equivalent to

    // compares the values of the two pointers
    this == that;
    • - (NSUInteger)count
    NSArray *nsarray = [NSArray initWithObjects:@"Open Source!", nil];
    NSUInteger *count;
    count = [nsarray count];
  • - (id)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
  • NSArray *nsarray = [NSArray initWithObjects:@"Open Source!", nil];
    NSObject *nsobject = [nsarray objectAtIndex:0];
  • - (id)lastObject
  • NSArray *nsarray = [NSArray initWithObjects:@"Open Source!", nil];
    NSObject *nsobject = [nsarray lastObject];
  • - (BOOL)containsObject:(id)that
  • if ([this containsObject:that]) { ... }
  • - (NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)that
  • NSArray *nsarray = [NSArray initWithObjects:@"Open Source!", nil];
    NSUInteger *index;
    index = [nsarray indexOfObject:@"Open Source!"];
    • - (void)addObject:(id)that
    NSMutableArray *nsmarray = [NSMutableArray initWithObjects:@"Open Source!", nil];
    [nsmarray addObject:@"Open Mind!"];
  • - (void)addObjectFromArray:(NSArray *)that
  • NSMutableArray *nmsarray = [NSMutableArray initWithObjects:@"Open Source!", nil];
    NSArray *nsarray = [NSArray initWithObjects:@"Open Mind!", nil];
    [nsmarray addObjectFromArray:nsarray];
  • - (void)insertObject:(id)that atIndex:(NSUInteger)index
  • NSMutableArray *nsmarray = [NSMutableArray initWithObjects:@"Open Source!", nil];
    [nsmarray insertObject:@"Open Mind!" atIndex:1];
  • - (void)removeAllObjects
  • NSMutableArray *nsmarray = [NSMutableArray initWithObjects:@"Open Source!", nil];
    [nsmarray addObject:@"Open Mind!"];
    [nsmarray removeAllObjects];
  • - (void)removeObject:(id)that
  • NSMutableArray *nsmarray = [NSMutableArray initWithObjects:@"Open Source!", nil];
    [nsmarray addObject:@"Open Mind!"];
    [nsamrray removeObject:@"Open Source!"];
  • - (void)removeObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
  • NSMutableArray *nsmarray = [NSMutableArray initWithObjects:@"Open Source!", nil];
    [nsmarray addObject:@"Open Mind!"];
    [nsmarray removeObjectAtIndex:0];
    • - (id)initWithFormat:(NSString *)format, ...
    NSString *nsstring = [NSString initWithFormat:@"Open %@!", @"Source"];
  • - (NSUInteger)length
  • NSString *nsstring = @"Open Source!";
    NSUInteger *length;
    length = [nsstring length];
  • - (NSString *)stringByAppendingString:(NSString *)that
  • NSString *nsstring1 = @"Open";
    NSString *nsstring2 = @" Source!";
    NSString *nsnewstring;
    nsnewstring = [nsstring1 stringByAppendingString:nsstring2];

    Apple Xcode v3.1.2

    Keyboard Shortcuts
    Action Mac OSX
    Build and Go (Run) ⌘ + return
    Display Console Window ⇧ + ⌘ + R
    Clear Console Messages ctrl + opt + ⌘ + R
    Display Documentation Help opt + double-click + method
    Display Preferences Window ⌘ + ,
    Switching Between .h and .m Files opt + ⌘ + up

    Apple Interface Builder v3.1.2

    Keyboard Shortcuts
    Action Mac OSX
    Display Inspector Window ⇧ + ⌘ + I
    Display Preferences Window ⌘ + ,


    External links