Welcome to Jiecheng Qiu's Page
Hope you enjoying the time in CDOT.
I am current in SBR600 class, and my project is (Changed to Running F17 on Beaglebone) Programming GPIO on Fedora
Project Plan:
(1) Try to get F17 running by leaving partition 1 untouched (the boot files) and replace partition 2 with the F17 userspace ("rootfs"). The easiest way to do this is probably to mount an Angstrom card on a PC, erase the files on the 2nd partition, and untar a rootfs tarball onto that partition.
(2) If that works, try updating the kernel on partition 1 to the F17 OMAP kernel. The kernel is the 'uImage' file in the first partion.
(3) If that works, then try to create a full beaglebone image from the F7 components. (Let me know if you get to this step).
You can ask for help on any of these in #fedora-arm. Please keep be posted on how this goes. Based on what you find out, we can set up image creation for BeagleBone in Fedora-ARM. Getting the F17 userspace running on the BeagleBoard (step 1 above) could be used as your 0.1 release.
I will post project process in my blog.
My Blog link: http://jcqiu.wordpress.com