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Joined 10 September 2007

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Modifying the Browser Lab Part I

  • This patch will make the new tab to be opened next to the current tab.
Index: tabbrowser.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/browser/base/content/tabbrowser.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.243
diff -u -8 -p -r1.243 tabbrowser.xml
--- tabbrowser.xml	18 Sep 2007 00:59:41 -0000	1.243
+++ tabbrowser.xml	15 Oct 2007 22:15:13 -0000
@@ -1088,17 +1088,17 @@
             if (!bgLoad) {
               function selectNewForegroundTab(browser, tab) {
                 browser.selectedTab = tab;
               setTimeout(selectNewForegroundTab, 0, getBrowser(), tab);
             if (!bgLoad)
               this.selectedTab = tab;
+            var position = currentTabIndex + 1;
             return tab;
       <method name="loadTabs">
         <parameter name="aURIs"/>
         <parameter name="aLoadInBackground"/>
@@ -1173,17 +1173,18 @@
             t.maxWidth = this.mTabContainer.mTabMaxWidth;
             t.minWidth = this.mTabContainer.mTabMinWidth;
             t.width = 0;
             t.setAttribute("flex", "100");
             t.setAttribute("validate", "never");
             t.setAttribute("onerror", "this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.addToMissedIconCache(this.getAttribute('image')); this.removeAttribute('image');");
             t.className = "tabbrowser-tab";
-            this.mTabContainer.appendChild(t);
+            var currentTabIndex = this.mTabContainer.selectedIndex;
+			this.mTabContainer.insertBefore(t, this.mTabContainer.childNodes.item(currentTabIndex + 1));
             if (document.defaultView
                         .getComputedStyle(this.mTabContainer, "")
                         .direction == "rtl") {
               /* In RTL UI, the tab is visually added to the left side of the
                * tabstrip. This means the tabstip has to be scrolled back in
                * order to make sure the same set of tabs is visible before and
                * after the new tab is added */
@@ -1952,17 +1953,17 @@
           this.mTabListeners.splice(aIndex, 0, this.mTabListeners.splice(aTab._tPos, 1)[0]);
           var oldPosition = aTab._tPos;
           aIndex = aIndex < aTab._tPos ? aIndex: aIndex+1;
           this.mCurrentTab._selected = false;
           // use .item() instead of [] because dragging to the end of the strip goes out of
           // bounds: .item() returns null (so it acts like appendChild), but [] throws
-          this.mTabContainer.insertBefore(aTab, this.mTabContainer.childNodes.item(aIndex));
+          this.mTabContainer.	Before(aTab, this.mTabContainer.childNodes.item(aIndex));
           // invalidate cache, because mTabContainer is about to change
           this._browsers = null;
           var i;
           for (i = 0; i < this.mTabContainer.childNodes.length; i++) {
             this.mTabContainer.childNodes[i]._tPos = i;
             this.mTabContainer.childNodes[i]._selected = false;

Modifying the Browser Part II - writing an extension

  • This extension that will open a new tab next to the current tab.
  • Click here to download

Thunderbird Bug Fix Lab

  • This patch will fix multiple . after @ sign of mailto link problem.
  • In the lab, I somehow could not connect to the cvs server and cannot create the patch. Here is what before and after code.
176     if (inString.FindChar('.', pos) != kNotFound) // if we have a '.' after the @ sign....
176     if (inString.FindChar('.', pos) != kNotFound && inString.Find("..") == kNotFound) // if we have a '.' after the @ sign....