Team R - OOP344 20133
Team R
Project Marking Percentage
- due immediately
Group work: 50% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: 50% + (50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%
- repo path: Team R's Repo
Master Branch Status
- Open
- Open: you can merge now.
- Closed: Wait for the repo to get opened
- DateTime, Merged/being Merged by full name, ircnick: mynick, any other info
Coding Style and Standards
- No Tab Character allowed. (replace tabs with spaces)
- Tab Size = 3 spaces (To reformat tabs into spaces change VS settings and press ctrl+k+d)
- Each object must have its own type:
int a;
int b;
CDialog D;
- repo Github id:
Team Members
First Name | Last Name | Section | Seneca Id | wiki id | IRC nick | - | Zach | Howard | B | zdhoward | Zach Howard | zdhoward | Zach's Blog |
Kunpriya | Aggarwal | B | kaggarwal3 | Kunpriya Aggarwal | kiara3 | Kunpriya's Blog | |||||||
Daniel | Dvorkin | B | dldvorkin | Daniel Dvorkin | dvorkin212 | Dldvorkin' Blog | |||||||
Shane | Narciso | C | sanarciso | Shane Narciso | thatdude22 | Shane's Blog |
Useful Blogposts
- latest will be on top
- Tuesday November 5 @ 12:00pm in Library - Debugging, and finalization of R0.3
- Friday October 18 @ 1:30 in Library - Discuss R0.3
Mandatory: Application
- Browse Record
- Members: Kunpriya aggarwal
- Task: Code browse record functionality
- Files in Kunpriya-V1--Application branch of Team R Repository
- Status: Done
Note: I used all files from previous releases and object files of CDilog and CLabel.
Release 0.3
- Prototyping - Zach
- CLabel - Zach
- CLineEdit - Shane A. N.
- CDialog - Kunpriya and Daniel
- In R.03_CDialog_fix ... try to fix the problem in CDialog
- Zach finished CLabel along with the prototyping.
- Shane finished CLineEdit.
- Daniel and Kunpriya finished CDialog together.
- CDialog was completed at one time by 2 people.
- Somebody Overwrote the CLineedit in master. Trying to return to my version (Shane)
- R.0.4.1 - CButton - Daniel
- R.0.4.2 - CValEdit - Zach
- R.0.4.3 - CCheckMark - Shane A. N.
- R.0.4.4 - CMenuItem - Kunpriya Aggarwal
- Prototyping can be done individually
- CCheckMark Prototyping Completed 11/13/13 - Shane
- CMenuItem Prototyping: Completed - Kunpriya Aggarwal
- CCheckMark testing Completed 11/21/13 - Shane