Team Guardian
GAM670/DPS905 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources
Physics Framework
- Barebones Packages (The files you need to copy into your working copy, see here for integration instructions), pick one
- * Physics Simulator and Collision Detector
* Physics Simulator Only
* Collision Detector Only - Full Reference Implementation Example
- * Download here
Integration Guides
Project Marking Percentage
Group work: 25% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: 75% + (50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%
Repository Path
new path: svn://
Trunk Status
committed by Hasan
Physics Framework Guide and Reference
UPDATE: Mar. 24, Physics Beta 0.2 Released
Version Beta0.2 of the physics framework is released! Please email me to get it :)
I'm willing to help anyone integrate the physics framework into their game so again, feel free to contact me.
--Hasan 'northWind'
UPDATE: Jan. 20, Big move
Moved just about everything from the old repo to the new repo. Commit history was lost during the move but... oh well, won't be missed.
--Hasan 'northWind'
UPDATE: Nov. 5, Importing meshes from a file now ready
Mesh importing has now been implemented through the CreateMesh() method. To use it, #include "iMesh.h" and call CreateMesh("filename.obj", Colour somecolour);
CreateMesh: This function creates and returns the address of a new iObject object (in reality a Mesh object, descending from Object). The model file is expected to reside in resources/models (resources resides in the same directory as 15-Controller). Like other objects, set the Colour to whatever you want to multiply the model's texture by that colour.
--Hasan 'northWind'
Team Members
Last Name | First Name | Seneca Username | Blog Url | IRC Nick | Phone Number |
Hughes | Joseph | jphughes | - | CloudScorpion | - |
Kamal-Al-Deen | Hasan | hkamal-al-deen | The Orbital Station | northWind | 416NUMNUMNUM909NUMNUMNUM7925 |
In response to the proposal assignment in-class, this memo outlines our plans to create a 3D game for GAM666.
Proposed Plan
Our game is going to be a ball rolling through a maze. The point of view will be third person perspective as if the camera is following the ball. The entire level will propel the balls movement by “tilting” the level and simulating gravity. The objective will be to successfully roll the ball to the target while using visual cues (objects) to keep track of where the ball has been. Various obstacles may hinder the balls success.
Feasibility of Project
Our group has looked at this project quite carefully and we think it's feasible because:
- We will be building on the existing framework provided by Chris Szalwinski.
- The first milestone should be relatively easy to achieve (having a ball rolling in a hall/room).
- Once we have achieved the first milestone, there will be plenty of oportunity for each team member to make further contributions and increase the complexity of the game.
- Having an idea which is initially simplistic and builds in complexity will allow our team to ensure a polished look and playability.
Goal | Team Member | Status |
Mirror Surfaces | - | UNASSIGNED |
Physics | - | UNASSIGNED |
Friction | - | UNASSIGNED |
Particle Systems | - | UNASSIGNED |
Weather | - | UNASSIGNED |
OBJ Model Importer | - | UNASSIGNED |
Map Format | - | UNASSIGNED |
Shaders | - | UNASSIGNED |
Preview Images
Map of the World of the Game
Moderator's - Instructors Comments
Team Schedule
Project Requirements
Wed, Sept 29 @ 9:00pm in Freenode, /join #seneca-students